The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 3rd, 2016

June 21, 1945Springhill RecordRink Comm. Organizes

     The Rink Committee has had several meetings during the past week and at a meeting last evening selected a committee consisting of Deputy Mayor Wm. Noiles, Dave Morse and Norman McDonald to arrange for canvassers.  It is hoped that many of those who have taken part in Victory Loans and Red Cross Drives will aid the committee in selling rink stock. 

     Hopes were expressed that the drive would get under way within the next week or ten days so that the committee could get building operations underway about the middle of July.  This will be necessary if the rink is to be a reality this winter.  By that time our boys will be home from overseas and it is the ambition of the committee to have the rink ready for their entertainment and pleasure next winter. 

     Control of the rink will always be in the hand of those the shareholders elect to operate it.  No matter how many shares one may purchase (and it is hoped many will purchase more than one) they will have only ONE VOTE at the meetings of shareholders. With the successful operation of the rink throughout the whole year it is hoped that interest of 4 percent on their investment may be available to the shareholders annually.  This, of course, is not guaranteed.  Rather it is considered the investment in this stock is an investment in the health for the people of the community. 

     Heading the Rink Committee are the following Officers:

     President - Howard Tattrie

     1st. Vice Pres. – E.B. Paul

     2nd. Vice Pres. – A.B. Smith, M.L.A.

     Secretary-Treasurer – Dave Morse

     Others on the Committee include E.S. Boran, Deputy Mayor Wm. Noiles and Norman McDonald.

     Give them your support – Financial and Moral.

Springhill Paratroopers

     Yesterday, the homecoming of the 1st. Canadian Paratroops Battalion was an occasion for a demonstration of welcome in Halifax, in honor of their valuable and extremely hazardous contribution to Allied successes. 

     Two Springhill boys won their wings as paratroopers in England and served in the Battalion – but they did not return yesterday.  Pte. Charles Munro “Chick” Austin died at 20 in France.  He enlisted and trained for the Artillery, going overseas in 1943, transferred to the Paratroopers.  He completed his training and loved it.  “Every jump is a thrill” he used to write home.  Then one day he was badly injured in a jump.  He was in Hospital for five months, and knew he could never thrill to the adventure again.  He transferred to the North Novas and died of wounds received in action last August after five weeks in France.

     Lawrence Henwood also transferred in England, to the Battalion, at 18, receiving his wings early last year and was in action during the summer of 1944.  We had a story in August from a British Publication.  Lawrence had come down and landed in an apple tree, was slightly injured, but was too busy to notice it much.  He met his Company Commander, Major Wilkins, on the road to their rendezvous.  He was carrying two entrenching shovels.  “The Major asked me to throw them away if I couldn’t stop rattling them.  I didn’t think I was that scared”, he said.  He and the Major were the first to reach the assembly point, after some effective work on the way. 

      On the sixth day he received serious head wounds from a piece of mortar shell.  “The splinter took half my ear and I couldn’t hear anymore” he related, going on with his story.  He was in hospital for nine months and recently returned to duty.  Each gave an eager and courageous service.

Stole Over-Night Bag

     On a recent visit to Springhill, Rev. Warren Langille of Liverpool stopped his car at the Engine House to talk to his brother.  When he returned (having failed to lock the vehicle) he found someone had stolen his overnight bag.  The bag was later recovered but found empty, a Rolls Royce Electric razor and other smaller articles having been removed.  Any information leading to recovery of the lost articles would be appreciated.  Phone the Record.

Receives Souvenir

     Ronald Philip McCormick has received a very interesting gift from his grandfather, Pte. John Mark White, Veteran Guard with the 19th Coy stationed in Monteith, Ontario.  The gift of which Ronald is very proud is a “bottle” picture of exquisite workmanship by a German Prisoner of War in Ontario in an Internment Camp: a miniature ship model in a seven-inch flat sided bottle in an appropriate setting of sea and land; with ½ inch houses, a church and light tower to scale with the ship which is 4 inches in length - a three mast rigged with square sails a rear schooner sail and three jib sails, which we learn, characterizes it as a brigantine.  The sea and land are modeled and colored, the ship and houses faultlessly painted.  It has a finished look of perfection which places it in the realm of true art.  At the same time it points to the diversity of the German character.


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