The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 31st, 2016

Aug. 9, 1945Springhill Record2 Arrests in Car Thefts

    Gordon McMasters, 24 and Owen Martin, 20 are in the local jail awaiting trial on a charge of “Theft of two motor vehicles.”  The case will be tried tomorrow, Friday.

     The cars stolen were the property of Bertram Chapman, Hotel Proprietor, and Alex McPherson, mine official.  Both were taken early Saturday morning. 

     It appears that the Chapman’s car had been left in the hotel yard with the keys in it and was taken by the two young men who crashed into the ditch at Miller Corner causing damage to the car estimated at about $600.00.  The local police were informed of the accident and Constable Bonnyman hurried to the scene.  The occupants of the car were reported to have taken to the Athol Road and were thought to have started back to town through the fields.  Constable Bonnyman returned back to town and kept close watch around the park for the men, but instead of coming up Main St. they stole another car at the mine belonging to Alex McPherson, in which the key had been broken off and was easily started.  Constable Bonnyman was not aware of this theft when he went off duty, but Mr. McPherson reported the theft when he came out of the mine between six and seven o’clock.

    As the story went the boys crashed the McPherson car into the river at Little Forks between three and four a.m. and had a difficult time getting out of the deep water.  The car was found in the river by Chief Buchanan and Cpl. Wigglesworth Saturday morning scouting the countryside for the boys.  Imprinted on the windshield was the forehead of McMasters and it was clear to the police that someone had been injured. 

     Later farmers reported seeing two men between Little Fork and Springhill Junction and evidence was collected showing they had boarded a freight at the Junction.  Apparently they left the freight at Saltsprings and hitch hiked back to town. 

     At one a.m. Sunday morning the police picked up McMasters and at four a.m. took Martin from his home.  A bit of hair left at thee first car crash matched that of one of the boys and will play a part in the trial. 

     Working on the case were Chief Buchanan, officers Bonnyman and Norman McDonald who were given much assistance by Cpl. Wigglesworth of the R.C.M.P.

Aug. 23, 1945 Given Suspended Sentences

     In the matter of “Theft of two motor vehicles”, the case of Gordon McMaster, 24 and Owen Martin, 19, came to trial Friday Aug. 17, both being placed on suspended sentence for two years, pending good behaviour.

     The cars stolen were the property of Bertram Chapman, of the Carleton Hotel and Alex MacPherson, Mine Official.  The young men pleaded on Aug. 10 before H.B. Dickie, of Kentville, Provincial Magistrate.  Both were remanded to Amherst gaol until Aug. 17 in order the Crown Prosecutor, Lusby, might get in touch with the Attorney General’s Department to ascertain if suspended sentences could be given provided damages of $700.00 on the two cars could be paid - $400 on the Chapman car and $300 on the MacPherson car. 

     On Aug. 17 these amounts were paid prior to passing sentence as instructions had been “if damage were paid the Magistrate could give suspended sentence.”  One main condition was that the boys refrain from drinking during the working out of their sentence.

July 31, 1947Oxford Journal Resume Daily Train Schedule

Springhill July 25 – The Cumberland Railway and Coal Company have announced the resumption of the daily train serving between Springhill Junction and Parrsboro.

     The service was suspended at the time of the coal strike, the train making only two trips weekly.  The full service will go into operation again Monday.

Aug.2, 1947Finds Ring Lost at Heather Beach 9 Years Ago

Springhill Aug. 17- Nine years ago Sandy Lormier lost a ring while bathing at Heather Beach.  Shortly afterward Mr. Lormier was injured in the mine and never attempted swimming again until last week. 

     As he was making his way into the water he noticed something bright in the sand.  In picking up the article out of the sand was surprised to discover it was the ring he lost nine years previously. 

     When attempting to polish the ring the claws fell off and the amethyst fell out.  A small piece set in the ring to enlarge it also broke away.


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