The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 30th, 2016

Nov. 8, 1945Springhill Record To Purchase New Equipment  (continued)

The Mountain Road

     The Clerk read correspondence he had in connection with the 1943 taxes by three residents on the Mountain Road.  The case had been handed over to the Town Solicitor, R.A. Lusby, of Amherst, who will fight the action in the courts.  It was also decided that the Town press for cost, in the case, if they should win. A Halifax Lawyer is representing the claimants.

Dislike Legion Attitude

     Discussing the letter recently received by the Town from the Canadian Legion Branch 17, concerning the appointment of Returned Men to fill vacancies, the Council was critical of the attitude assumed by the Veterans.  The members pointed out that before Council had time to consider the letter the information was broadcast over county and provincial papers. 

     Councillor Gilroy felt that the veterans should have the preference in town appointments, but in the matter of appointing a Deputy Town Clerk there was a difference of $700.00 per year in the salary asked.  He was not in favor of such a spread.  As far as the truck driver was concerned he felt the Assistant Driver should have the promotion and a returned man was engaged as an assistant.  He was prepared to give the Returned man even more than the ten percent edge they were getting on other places. 

     Councillor Dewar did not vote on the appointment, but he said he felt that $1300.00 was not enough for the Deputy Town Clerk and the Assessor combined. 

     Councillor Noiles felt the salary should have been the same as what Mr. Chapman was getting.

     A motion was finally passed pointing out the Council was heartily in favor of employing returned men all factors being equal, but regretted the Legion taking the stand they did.

Must Arrange For Hospital

     A letter from All Saints Hospital Board informed the Council that the present hospital would cease to function as a hospital on July 1, 1948 and advised the town that other arrangements would have to be made for hospital accommodation after that date. 

     Mayor Mason, a member of the Hospital Board, explained to the Council that while the Board had intended to proceed with the erection of a new hospital the Bishop, was of the opinion that, the responsibility of raising $250,000 for a new hospital here was too great when money would cost from 4 to 6 percent.  In view of the fact, that Municipalities would be able to borrow money at from 2 to 21/2 percent it was felt that the town should take over the responsibility.  The position of the Endowment Fund yielding from $9,000 to $11,000 yearly would need clarifying, said the Mayor, but this could be done at another meeting.  The present building could be used for convalescent work, a nursing home or such purposes.

     The matter was dropped there and another meeting will be called later to discuss it.


     Jake Legere appeared before Council contending he had no right to pay a water bill of $14 for a family he had permitted to move in upstairs.  The By-Laws, however, made the situation clear that the charge is legal where two families live in the same house.

    The Town Clerk reported to Council that the Committee working on a presentation for the Maritime Champions had finally been able to make some headway.  The Committee was instructed to include the Junior Commandos in their plans and given a free hand by the Council in arranging a banquet for the boys.

     Frank Ferguson applied for a position on the Police Force.  His application was filed.


     A financial statement dealing with A.R.P. activities was presented to the Council by Harmon Carrigan, Secretary Treasurer, and showed a credit of $102.98.  Councillor Roach McKay, Chairman of the A.R.P., agreed to have his report respecting A.R.P. Equipment placed before the next meeting.

Nov. 29, 1945Eddie Cameron Opens Electrical Business

     We wish to call your attention to an advertisement in this week’s paper under the heading Cameron Electric in which Mr. E.D. Cameron, a Springhill boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Cameron, Horton Avenue, recently discharged from the Airforce, announces his entrance into the electrical business in Springhill.

     Mr. Cameron is a fully qualified electrician and wireman prepared to take on electrical contract work.  No job too large or too small in complete wiring and installation of any or all kinds of electrical appliances.

     Mr. Cameron has the franchise for Northern Electric products and will also handle many other standard lines of electrical goods.

     As soon as arrangements can be completed he will occupy his place of business on Main St. where his electrical appliances will be on display for the convenience of the buying public.


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