The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 30th, 2016

June 22, 1944Springhill Record“Harry” Taylor Killed In Action

    The people of Springhill were greatly saddened when they learned that Francis J. (Harry) Taylor had been killed in action in France, June 9, 1944.  He is the son of Mrs. Samuel Taylor and is survived by his mother, sisters, Mrs. Rod. A. MacDonald and Eleanor, and brother James.

    Harry enlisted in the N.N.S. Highlanders on Aug. 28, 1939 and served at home, in England and in France where he paid the supreme sacrifice at the young age of 22 years.  He was a good soldier with a fine military record and was liked and respected by all his comrades-in-arms.  

    Harry will be remembered by many friends as being a boy of fine reputation and happy nature, and everyone extends their sincere sympathy to the family in their sad bereavement.

Local Girls Graduate From Saint Charles Commercial

    Closing exercises of Saint Charles Commercial School, were held Friday evening, June 16.  Among the 17 graduates were three Springhill girls: Dorothy Fowler (Valedictorian), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fowler; Dorothy Gilroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilroy and Eleanor Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Taylor, all making excellent showing.

    Dorothy Fowler who gave the valedictory was an Honor graduate: having attained an average of 90% in all subjects, a shorthand speed of 120 words and typing speed of 60 words a minute.  She received one of the two prizes donated by the Rotary Club for the class leaders, also prize for bookkeeping, donated by V.G. Fuller.

    Dorothy Gilroy and Eleanor were also awarded the School Diploma, the former receiving the prize for General Efficiency awarded by A.D. Smith.

    The girls have already taken up office work in Amherst; Miss Fowler in “The Amherst News” office; Miss Gilroy in the Royal Bank and Miss Taylor with Douglas and Co.  

    Friends will wish them continued success in their work.

Graduates From Grade X11

    Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weatherbee, Mrs. Albert Weatherbee, Mrs. Aubrey Gilroy and Miss Bernice Halliday attended the closing exercise of the Parrsboro High School.  Mr. and Mrs. Weatherbee were accompanied on their return trip by their daughter Jean, who was in the Grade X11 graduating class.

    Lloyd Weatherbee is spending his vacation with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Payne, Collingwood.

Church Has Close Call

    St. Andrew’s United Church had a close call from fire at noon today as smoke was seen coming from the north side.  While there was a lot of smoke the fire was only smoldering and the firemen discovered the smoke came from a corner of the stone foundation where it was thought a careless smoker had tossed a lighted cigarette.

    Careless with cigarettes probably causes more fires than any other single cause.

July 8, 1944Home From Overseas

    Sapper Wilbert “Bert” Crowe arrived home on Monday June 26th, after serving Overseas for three years.  Going over in 1941 he took part in the Invasion of Sicily and Italy after serving in Italy and Sicily for ten months, he was invalidated back to England where he remained six weeks before returning to Canada.  He is now spending his 30 days leave with his wife and twin sons Bobby and Jackie.  He has three brothers in the Army, John C. and Herbert serving overseas with the R.C.E. and Hance in Canada.  They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Crowe, King St.  Mr. Crowe Sr. being a veteran of the First World War.

Pop Factory Sold

    William Rector, proprietor of the Springhill Mineral Springs disposed of his property recently to the Evangeline Mineral Beverage Company of Moncton.  The plant has been closed.  In an interview with the Record Mr. Rector stated local parties were interested in purchasing the plant but would not meet his price.  Difficulty in securing labor was given as the principle reason for selling.  Questions regarding the new firm carrying on operations here, Mr. Rector said they had intimated that when sugar was freer they might build a small plant here.

July 13, 1944Woman Lifts Geraniums

    Frank King has been appointed to look after the lot on which the Soldiers Monument stands and you can bet that Frank will take an interest in it and keep it looking attractive as the late Charlie McKenzie did in other days.  But Frank was disturbed and angry when he called on us yesterday morning to tell us that Monday night a lady, who left her footprint in the earth, lifted one of the new Geraniums he had set out.  Tuesday night she came back for another.  Surely someone saw the lady at work.  If they did they should report her to the police.  Frank was disturbed also by the fact that the public has been tramping across the grass on this lot and he says it will be necessary to dig some spots and replant it.  Surely our people should have some respect for this sacred corner.  It should be everyone’s job to see that it is protected.


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