The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 30th, 2014

Mar. 7, 1940Springhill RecordSunday Fire Damages Roof

     Danny Boutilier, the Miner’s Poet, suffered damage to his home on Church Street Sunday afternoon when the roof caught fire.  The firemen were on the scene promptly and the damage was kept to a minimum.  Water, however, caused much inconvenience.  Damage was covered by insurance.

Shredded Wheat Comes back

      We are pleased to announce that Shredded Wheat has returned to the advertising columns of The Record this week after several years of absence.  Shredded Wheat has always been a favourite cereal in Springhill and we predict increased sales backed by a splendid national advertising campaign. Several of the grocery stores are advertising Shredded Wheat today.

Mar. 14, 1940Steal Eastern Bakery Products

     Three adults and four juveniles appeared before Magistrate Lambert this morning charged with stealing goods belonging to Eastern Bakery and stored in Union Sales garage.  The juveniles pleaded guilty and their case was adjourned until the 30th. The adults were remanded until Friday and their case will go to the County Court.

     During the last two months the Eastern Bakery had complained on three or four occasions of losing their bakery products. Monday Evening Chief Buchanan detailed Constable McDonald for duty at the garage. Nothing happened.  Again Tuesday evening he kept watch and gathered in the flock. 

     It appears the boys had a club room at Embree’s where they were taking the food.  The adults connected with the breaks were Bernard Allen, Orland Embree and Douglas Powell.

Mar. 25, 1940The War 25 Years Ago

     Following is an item from the files of the Halifax Herald and the Halifax Mail, dated Mar. 15, 1915.

     “Lieut. Col. E.A. Potter, of Springhill, is receiving many congratulations on his appointment as Commander of the 18th Brigade.  This is the highest official position attained by any militia officer.”

     Col. Potter had been identified with the 93rd Regiment, Springhill from 1894 when he was transferred here with the rank of Lieutenant.  The 93rd was a five company regiment.  After receiving his Field Officer’s certificate he recruited and organized No. 6 Company at Springhill; augmenting No. 2 Company (Capt. Wm. Letcher) and No. 4 Company (Capt. Mills, Mapleton) already here.  Needing a suitable building to house equipment and space for drill, Col. Potter was instrumental in securing the Armory. Arthur Dickie was at the time Minister of Militia, and in the interest of his constituency was able to secure a small grant.  There was little interest in Ottawa with the project and the grant allowed was inadequate.  The resident Officers decided to go ahead with the building: Col. Potter, Col. Murray, Major Heffernan, Adjt. Donkin, Dr. Hayes and also Mr. R.B. Murray and in time the debt was liquidated.  It is a plant by100’ X 50’ and with 20’ post, capable of housing the entire regiment.  A number of years ago the bulk of the military equipment was transferred to Amherst

     Col. Potter was prominently identified with the Militia for 45 years having enlisted in 1874.  During the First Great War, from 1915 to his retirement in 1919 he was Brigadier Commander of the 18th Nova Scotia Infantry Brigade and recruited 8,000 men.  He died early in 1928.  He had been a good citizen of Springhill for forty years, during which time he served as Mayor for four years, 1909-12 inclusive.  Mrs. Potter and sons Henry, Archie, Joe and Ted, continue to make their home here, while their only daughter, Mrs. Barnes, lives in Sackville

     The continues to bring sharply to mind, personalities and events of the First World War, now strangely dwarfed by the magnitude and ferocity of the present conflict.  The Allies know only too well, the ways of their common “enemy” with whom they must, this time, be a final reckoning.