The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 30, 2008

Wed. July 30, 2008 – The Allbon Family

Charles J. Allbon Sr., born Dec. 16, 1869 in Sidcup, Kent Co., England, was the son of John and Ann Allbon. Charles came to Springhill in 1882 at the age of 12 years. His first job here was with U.J. Weatherbee and later with E.A. Potter before going into the mines. He worked many years as the official measurer or “checker”. Later he went to the Payroll Dept. at the Company Office where he worked until 1923 when he was elected Town Clerk. He remained at this job until his death.

For many years Charles J. Allbon Sr. was Secretary-Treasurer of the Dominion Coal Company Employees Benefit Society.

Charles married Isabella Price, daughter of James and Jane (McClanaghan) Price of Ayshire, England. She was born Feb. 26, 1874.

Charles and Isabelle had the following children: James, Charles John Jr., David, Emma, Alfred George, Mary Ann, Jane and Isabelle.

Charles J. Sr. died July 18, 1944. His wife Isabelle died Aug. 8, 1965.

James Allbon was born 1903 and on Sept. 24, 1931 James married Iradell Marcelle Brown. Iradell was the daughter of John and Marybelle (Langille) Brown. James and Iradell had a daughter Janice who married William Barrett and they live in Ontario.

Iradell was founder and leader of the Springhill Senior Citizens Kazoo Band.

James died Sept. 19, 1975 in Ontario. Iradell passed away Dec. 12, 1999.

Charles J. Allbon Jr. was born May 7, 1896 in Springhill. He left school at the age of 15 and went to work for the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company. Charles joined the army in 1916 and served with the 25 th Nova Scotia Battalion. On Sept. 23, 1918 he was on a trench- raiding mission at Inchy-en Artois for which he was awarded the Military Cross for action in the field. He was given the cross at Buckingham Palace by King George V in 1919.

After the war Charles moved to Saskatchewan where he bought an interest in the Perdue ( Sask) Witness and he bought an interest in the paper. After a year he accepted a position in Ottawa with the Soldiers Civil Re-establishment Department. A year later he rejoined the Perdue Witness which had acquired the Asquith ( Sask.) Record and he worked with the new paper. He returned to Springhill and on November 1, 1928 he purchased the Record and Mining Journal and changed the name to the Springhill Record. The business at that time was in the basement of the old H.S. Terris building. Mr. Allbon eventually purchased the building and the Springhill Record remained there until it was totally destroyed by fire in 1957. Charles J. erected a new modern building

where the Springhill Record was located until it was once again demolished by fire in 1975. After the second loss of the business by fire, Charles J. Allbon Jr. sold the business to Advocate Printing and Publishing of Pictou and after 47 years he retired. Charles helped organize the Nova Scotia Weekly Newspapers Association as its first secretary and later president.

During WWII he served with the North Nova Scotia Highlanders (Reserves) “B” Company from 1942-1946 as Commanding Officer retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He was honoured for his services in the two wars by the establishment of the Allbon Room in the new Springhill Armoury in 1987. Also during WWII he was chosen along with Roy McLean of Penticton, B.C. to represent CWNA on a tour of England on the invitation of the British Government. His articles were carried by the weekly press across Canada. In one of his reports from England he told of visiting the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps. In one part he saw various parts of the mechanized equipment being sealed for underwater travel. Over 2,000 personal were engaged in Canadian Base Ordnance Workshops.

Charles J. Allbon married Agnes Richardson Mather the daughter of Christopher and Rebecca (Mulvey) of Morden, Manitoba.

Charles and Agnes had 2 children: Shirley and Charles John Christopher (Jack).

Agnes Allbon died Mar. 25, 1982.

C.J. Allbon Jr. was president of Springhill Board of Trade, served on church boards, was a charter Rotary member, a 60 year member of the Masonic Lodge and Legion Member.

Charles died July 13, 1995 at the age of 95.

David Allbon was born Oct. 8, 1907 in Springhill. He served five and one half years in WWII. He was a printer and publisher. He married Mary Esther Connors and they had two daughters Anne and Margaret.

David died Mar. 30, 1985 in Windsor.

More on the Allbon family next week.