The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 2, 2005

Nov. 2. 2005 – Newspapers

The first newspaper published in Springhill was the Trades Journal on Jan. 1. 1890. It was published by Robert Drummond who was Secretary of the Provincial Workingmen’s Association.

In 1886, another paper, started by Henry MacKnight, called the Springhill Times and later changed to the Springhill News and then to the Springhill News and Advertiser. This was burned in the great fire of 1895. The paper was started up again and changed hands many times.

The Standard was started in 1905 and lasted for two years.

Then in 1917 the Springhill Record and Mining Journal was published by J. Leonard Paul. In November of that year it was taken over by Alfred C. Mills and then C.J. Allbon became publisher of the paper, a position which he held for several years. Over the years the name was shortened to the Springhill Record.

Here is a look back at some of the news items from the Springhill Paper for the year 1895-1986.

The following are the only licensed truckmen in town at the present time: George Pepperdine, Daniel Sutherland, John T. Leadbetter, Matthew MacPherson, Thomas Stevens, Charles Coulter, Nelson Schurman, Charles Brown, and Sam H. Terris. In justice to the regular licensed truckmen, the business of trucking without a license needs looking after just now.

To let: That pleasantly situated house on Purdy Street ; containing nine rooms (besides halls). Partly furnished if required.

Is your hair falling out? If so, go to Peel’s and have your hair singed.

1896: The following are the officers of the Pioneer Lodge for the current term: R.N. MacDonald, John Moss, James Murphy, Joseph Moss, Watson Ross, Robert Harvey, Joseph Price, William MacPherson and John A. McNeil.

The policeman must be emphatically instructed to keep groups of loafers from street corners and doorways. Tobacco juice is being squirted in all directions. This thing should stop at once.

The “Grand”, though diminutive, Opera House, so long looked for, is now nearing completion.

Subscribers who are in arrears should bear in mind that the printer must live and it is impossible for him to live on air. If you owe us a dollar send it along or drop in and see us smile when you pay the dollar.

Men’s heavy boots 97 cents a pair at John Wilson’s.

A child of John Anderson’s was stepped on by a horse on Main Street on Saturday evening. Parents should be more careful and not allow their children to run on the streets as they are in danger of being run over and seriously injured.

A private telephone system has been placed from H.A.B. Glendenning’s residence on Victoria Street to the Royal Hotel and thence to the Cumberland Railway and Coal Company’s Station for the benefit of Mr. Glendenning and B.B. McNutt.

The men driving the tunnel from No. 2 to No. 1 slope struck coal on Monday last. It is anticipated that the coal will be first rate, giving at best 35 feet of new coal in No. 1. Such finds are welcome from every point of view for everyone in town is interested in and benefiting by, the mineral wealth.

A petition is shortly to be circulated asking the Local Legislature to prohibit the free use of Springhill for a public cow-yard.

Promenade Concert: Strawberries and Ice Cream at the Parish House at 7 o’clock . The 10 cent admission entitles the patron to a plate of strawberries or a plate of ice cream.

The parties who go to the cemetery for burials and other purposes and tear down the fences for their own use, are hereby notified that they will be watched in the future and in the event of a discovery being made this year, they will have to pay full damages to the fence. William Conway, Sect’y to Trustees.

You can get a good Canadian made tweed suite for $5.50 at Coles.

On the night of the marriage of R. Cowans’ daughter last week burglars entered his residence and stole the family silver and also walked off with Mr. Cowans’ overcoat