The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 2nd, 2013

July 2, 1936Springhill RecordTears Hole In Roof, Tenant Washed Out

     Mr. Robert Smith, his wife and several small children, one a baby in arms, were literally washed into the street Saturday evening during the heavy rains that fell during the evening.  Their plight was reported to town officials who had the family removed from the dwelling to the Town Hall for the time being.

     For some two years Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their family have been occupying half of a house owned by E. Schurman on Church Street for which they were charged nine dollars per month.  Out of work since last September and unable to pay much, if anything, on their rent, the family was drawing a few dollars per week from the relief fund on an order from Sydney where they belong.

     In order that the family might be driven from the premises the landlord last week removed the door from the house while the husband who had just received a job on the highway was at work.  The windows were also removed; the shingles and boards torn from a section of the roof and when the heavy rains fell Saturday evening the family was literally washed into the street.

     When our reporter visited the scene at ten o’clock Saturday night the water had poured through the roof into the bedroom where the children were sleeping and continued on its way down into the kitchen where the mother was walking the floor with a small baby in her arms and other children were grouped around the table where the father was passing out pieces of bread and a little milk.  It was a picture of desolation and misery such as few people have ever seen.

Must Pay License – A number of milkmen were on the carpet before the Magistrate last week charged with selling milk in town without having paid their license fee of $15.00.  The milk vendors were pretty hot about the matter feeling that as other farmers were not required to pay a license to sell their produce, they too, should be exempt.  The town by-lay calls for a license fee from milk vendors and the magistrate had no other recourse but fine the offenders $5.00 and cost of $1.00.

     Truckmen who were also operating without a license were also on the carpet Monday.

     It looks as though the Police Committee in charge of issuing licenses are tightening up.  This should be a warning to others.

July 9, 1936 Who Stole The Turkey?

     Mr. Angus Herrett, Queen Street, will celebrate his birthday in the very near future and in anticipation of the event, purchased a large turkey, which he was stall feeding, in the hope of entertaining his friends when the happy day came around.  But alas and alack! When Mr. Herrett went to the barn Saturday morning – “The stall was quite empty, no turkey was there!”

Who could have taken it?  Surely none of his friends!

     Note – We learn that some of the boys had the bird in safe keeping.  Barring further mischances, it will yet grace the birthday dinner.

July 16, 1936 Local Department Represented

     The Springhill Fire Department was well represented at the Firemen’s Tournament held in Pictou, July 13- 16.  Although plans were somewhat disarranged by rain,  the boys report a good time.

     Fourteen Provincial Departments were represented in the Parade which was headed by the Pictou Pipe Band.  The trophy for the best appearance going to the Glace Bay Brigade of forty members.

Representing the Springhill Department were – Chief L.B. Rooney, Ed Weatherbee, W.K. O’Rourke, Hall Brown, Harry Slater, Harry McSavaney, Ted Potter, Fred Newman, William Harroun, Lorne Weatherbee, James Rushton, W.C. Wilson, J. Cummingham, George McPherson, Harris Hunter, O.C. Layton, Fred Coulter, Chas. Crawford, C.T. McKenzie, Charles Wilson, T.O McCormick, H. Cunningham.

     Following the Parade Fire Chief Rooney and W.K. O’Rourke, secretary, left for Kentville to attend the Maritime Convention of Fire Chiefs, also in session; and veteran fireman George McPherson went to Truro to attend the Conservative Convention, returning to Pictou for the continuance of the program.

     Retired members of the Local Brigade stood by for service if required during the absence of the members, all of whom returned last night.