The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 2nd, 2016

Apr. 20, 1944Springhill RecordWe Hear From Boys Overseas

      Mrs. Douglas Cox has received greetings from her husband, Pte. Douglas S. Cox, Overseas, for their first wedding anniversary.

     Mrs. John Rushton has received a cable from her husband, Sgmn. John F. Rushton, of his safe arrival Overseas.

     A very interesting letter has been received from Spr. R. M. Smith, better known here as Bobby Smith of the old Fencebusters Ball Team.  Still “not much over forty” as he said when he enlisted in March 1940, he was a sapper in the First Great War, serving for three years and was wounded twice.  On the outbreak of the present war he tried to enlist at once but this time he had with him his seventeen–year-old son, Leonard.  Eventually they were able to enlist together with the Engineers – to go overseas together with the 3rd Division and to remain together a considerable length of time; until the elder was given the privilege of special service becoming a member of a “suicide” squad engaged in removing fuses from time bombs.  Continuing the coincidences of their service both were wounded and listed together as causalities. 

     To come to the letter Spr. Smith says “I’ve had some very close calls since I landed in Italy – was wounded Dec. 18 and was in four hospitals.  I’m ok, once again and waiting to return to Canada eventually.  They wouldn’t let me go back to the line again on account of my age, so I’m hoping to see my friends in Springhill sometime this summer.

     My son Len has recovered from his wounds and has gone back to the unit.  He is a pretty husky boy weighs about 190.  He had shrapnel wounds through his arm, also in his back and foot.  His pal, Bob Langille from Stellerton was killed in the same action.”

     Sgt. Smith told of having a long talk with Capt. James Millar, Lieut. James McDonald and Capt. Don Scott and watching the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius which he described simply as terrific.

     He sends special regards to Sam Russell, Bill O’Rourke and to any of the fellows I know.

     Friends at home will be glad to know how things are going and will be glad to “welcome him home again from the wars.”

     We were glad to hear from Sgt. Fred Williams, R.C.A.F., Overseas, the other day.  Incidentally we just missed Freddie, a member of our staff for many years, when we were in Edinburgh.  We were both in the city at the same time, but the writer was following a close schedule.  While on the street however, we are constantly watching for the faces of Canadians, someone we might know but it wasn’t our lucky day.  From Freddie’s letter he is finding it as hard to get used to the cold, damp English weather as we did.  We must mention that Freddie’s promotion to the rank of Sergeant came through recently.  Congratulations, Freddie.

     Mr. and Mrs. James Cottenden were pleased to receive from Ottawa the other day information confirming the promotion of their son Murray, who is now prisoner of war in Germany.  Murray was reported missing on July 14, 1943.  His first promotion to Flight Sergeant became effective on March 11, 1943 and his second promotion to the rank of Warrant Officer 2nd class became effective September 112, 1943.  Both promotions were in the course of confirmation when Murray was reported missing and later a prisoner of war.  This will be good news to his best host of friends as well as his wife and parents – and incidentally to Murray himself, when the news reaches him. 

     It does us good, once in a while, to get a letter like that below from Overseas.  Some of our readers at least enjoy the Record.  Read what J. W. Kemp, R.C.A.S.C., Says:

     “My Mother sends me the Springhill Record quite often and I sure appreciate it.  I want to thank you and your staff for what you’re doing to help the war effort, and thanks to the whole town.  Chin up and carry on.”

     Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halliday has received word from their son Tpr. Merlin Halliday in Italy.  He had enjoyed a short visit with Pte. Art Pettigrew and Sgt. George Scott.

     L/Cpl. Robert Blanchard in Italy, in a recent letter to his mother, Mrs. Frances Blanchard, spoke of having tea with Jim Brennan and Edward Haggarty.  The boys enjoyed getting together.

May 11, 1944Appointed Editor College Paper

Sackville C. John Allbon of Springhill, N.S., Sophomore Arts student at Mount Allison University, has been appointed Editor-In-Chief of the Mount Allison Argosy for 1944-45 by the student faculty committee.  The new Editor has been News Editor of the Argosy for the past year and has considerable practicable newspaper experience through working on his father’s paper, the Springhill Record.  He plans to enter the journalistic profession evidentially.

     Completing the “big three” on the masthead for next year will be John S. Davidge of Campbellton, N.B., circulation manager who will move up to the Managing Editor’s past and Herman Leseur, of Paget East, Bermuda, will take over the duties of Circulation Editor.


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