The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 2, 2011

Lady Wellington Lodge 56th Anniversary

Springhill Record – Oct. 16, 1947

     Lady Wellington L.T.B.A. No. 31 celebrated their 56th anniversary in the hall on Monday night when over 100 hundred members and guests were present, which included the following Provincial Grand L. Lodge officers: Supreme Grand Inside Tyler Sis. London of N.B.; Rt. W. G.M. of Nova Scotia, Sis. Mary Brown of Springhill; D.D.G.M. of New Brunswick, Sis. Humphrey of Sunnybrae; D.D.G.M Sis. Heffel, of Amherst representing Cumberland West; D.D.G.M. Sis. Gibson, Springhill representing Cumberland East; Grand Secretary of New Brunswick, Sis. Ripley of Sackville; Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Sis. Ward of Moncton, Grand Director of Juveniles, Sis. Henderson of Springhill; Associate Grand Director of Ceremonies, Sis. Touse of Sackville; Associate Treasurer, Sis. Edgett of Moncton and Associate Secretary, Sis. Estabrooks, Amherst.

     During the order of business the W.M. of Lady Wellington presented R.W.G.M. Sis. Brown with a travelling case on behalf of the members of Lady Wellington.  The W.M. called upon the Grand Lodge Officers and other members for a few remarks.

     In the course of the evening the Lodge raffled off their nine piece crocheted chesterfield set, the lucky winner being Mrs. Lloyd Murray of Springhill.

     Following the conclusion of the business meeting a social evening was enjoyed when a short entertainment was provided which included a solo by Jimmy Cudhea, a skit by some of the lodge members and guitar numbers by Harold King, after which a delicious salad supper was served.

     A lovely anniversary cake was cut by the R.W.G.M. in honor of the occasion followed by the good wishes of the visiting members.  It was pointed out that the Springhill True Blue Lodge was the oldest True Blue Lodge in Nova Scotia, of which all the members are very proud.

     A hearty vote of thanks extended to Lady Wellington on behalf of the visitors by Bro. Edgett of New Brunswick brought the enjoyable evening to a close.

Also in this paper:

May Organize Home and School Association

     Mr. L.A. DeWolfe, Provincial President of the Home and School Association, was in Springhill on Friday in the interest of the Association.

     In an interview with the Record Mr. DeWolfe said that Cumberland County was particularly backward in joining the Association.  He pointed out there were 45 towns in the province and that 32 of them had Home and School Associations.  He plans to return here later with the hope that Springhill can be organized with an Association representing each school.

Trees Are Damaged by Vandals

     Mr. and Mrs. Claude Carter were deeply disappointed Wednesday morning to find that during the night someone had damaged a number of new shrubs and trees which they had recently planted in an effort to further beautify their property at the corner of McFarlane and McGee Streets.  Mr. Carter is offering a reward for information that will lead to the location of the party responsible for the damage.

Heavy Registrations at Evening Classes

     Two hundred and twenty-six persons were enrolled at the Vocational Evening Classes and Coal Mining Classes for the winter term when registration was completed Tuesday Evening.

     The heaviest registration was in the sewing classes for which 108 signed.  As the four sewing classes can accommodate only 80, some will be added to the waiting list.

Other registrations were: Domestic Science – 13; English – Arithmetic – 21; Bookkeeping – 41; Coal Mining – 20; Mine Surveying – 5; Steam Engineering – 18.

     Should a significant number indicate their desire to study electricity a class will be formed under a capable instructor.

     Owing to the fact that four classes are necessary to handle those who wish to take up sewing, some difficulty has arisen in providing accommodations for the Domestic Science students, but it is hoped this will be satisfactorily adjusted within a few days.

     Classes will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the following places:

Dressmaking – Town Hall, Monday and Wednesday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Instructor Mrs. Douglas Cameron.  Dressmaking – Murray Block, Monday and Wednesday, Tuesday and Thursdays, Instructor – Mrs. Rhoda Farnell.  Typing and Bookkeeping, High School, Instructor Miss E. Rushton,  Second and Third Year students meet on Monday and Thursday evening, Beginners on Tuesday and Friday.  English and Arithmetic, High School, Monday and Thursday.  Instructor Mr. E.S. Boran.  Coal Mining, High School, Monday and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m.  Instructor Mr. D. McLeod. Coal Mining, High School, Monday and Friday, 9 to 11 a.m. Steam Engineering, High School, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 9 p.m.  Instructor Mr. C. Reid.

     Electricity Class to be formed if sufficient number interested.  See advertisement in this paper.