The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 2nd, 2014

Dec. 8, 1938Springhill Record - Springhill Athlete Wins Gold Letter at Mount A

     Raymond Cunningham, local Theological student at Mount Allison, has been awarded the Gold Letter this year, the only one to be presented by the College for 1938. 

     The Gold Letter is awarded for his completion of three consecutive years in football and two consecutive years in hockey on Mount Allison University teams.  During 1937 – 38 he was a member of 1938 Intercollegiate Championship Hockey team and the 1938 Intercollegiate Football Championship team.

     As an athlete Raymond has been prominent for some years.  Besides football and hockey he plays a consistent game of baseball and was a member of the Springhill Red Sox when they copped the Nova Scotia Junior Championship in 1933

     In 1935 he played baseball with the Amherst Superiors, but returned to the local Red Sox again in 1936.  He played Intermediate hockey with the “Hawks” in 1934 and was also prominent in the Church league, where he managed the Wesley – United team in the season of 1933-34. 

Enters Mount Allison – Entering Mount Allison University in 1935, the youngster continued to devote a portion of his time to athletics.  During the winter of 1935-36 he turned out with Mount A. intermediate hockey team.  In the fall of 1936 as he swung into his second year of college, he turned out for rugby and played his first game on the Varsity team where he plays lock position. 

     In his second year, 1936-37, he made the Varsity hockey team playing defense and won his “Silver A.”  He expects to line up for the coming hockey season, early in the year.  Now at the conclusion of 1938, his prowess in the field of athletics has won for him, one of the greatest honors that come to University athletes, the Gold Letter.

Studies Hard – Not only has Raymond been successful in athletics but in winning this outstanding award he has never neglected his studies as he prepares to enter the ministry of the United Church.  During the past two seasons he has enjoyed success at his summer charges.  Last summer he supplies on the Thomson-Oxford Junction field and this summer he was sent out to Acadia Valley, in Alberta, gaining a wider experience in his chosen profession.

Like His Dad – Speaking of athletics, however, this youngster follows in the footsteps of his dad.  In earlier days Jack Cunningham was one of our outstanding athletics at baseball, racing and hockey.  And so “like father like son” you have a chip off the old block.

Proud of his showing – As far as we know no Springhill boy has ever before won such a distinction from a College and we may well be proud of the honor which comes to Raymond Cunningham at this time.  As he goes out shortly into the world to carry the gospel he will find time to impart the athletic knowledge he has so gained to the youth in his field and thereby build up a healthier and stronger young manhood in this country. 

    The Record joins with his of friends in extending congratulations.

Dec. 15, 1938Clerks’ Union Will Press for Enforcement of the Early Closing By-Law

     The announcement last week that Selrite Stores would remain open from Tuesday night last until Christmas caused quite a furor in the ranks of the Clerk’s Union and among the store-keepers themselves.

     Indignation meetings of the Clerk’s Union were held in the Miners’ Hall Monday and Tuesday evenings when the whole matter was discussed.  Many of the merchants, too, expressed themselves as being opposed to being opened for an additional week, feeling that there would not be a sufficient increase in business to warrant the additional expense.  With the great majority expressing the opinion the stores should close as usual, the Selrite Stores decided to accept the ruling of the majority. 

Seek Evidence – In the meantime however members of the Clerk’s Union sought information against the corner stores which were open after hours as laid down by the town by-laws.  They visited the stores of Mrs. M.M. Reid, Mrs. A.W. Davidson, M.K. Mills, Jack Wilson and Frank Alick, where it is said, they made purchases after hours.  Wednesday morning charges were laid against the five mentioned above and the cases of Wilson and Alick, set for hearing on December 20th.  Until the outcome of these two cases is known, we understand, the others will not be proceeded with.