The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 2, 2008

April 2, 2008 – 1929 Civic Report

In 1929 the Mayor of Springhill was D.M. Smith with Deputy Mayor was Andrew Paul. The Councillors for Ward 1 were G.D. Weatherbee and G.D. Coleman; Ward 2 were Earle Paul and S.H. Terris; and in Ward 3 Arthur Phillips and Andrew Paul. The Town Clerk and Treasurer was C.J. Allbon with his assistant A.G. Allbon. The Chief of Police was William Mont and assistants C.M. Atkinson and Ed. Newcombe. E.S. Boran was the Principal of Schools and his assistants were A.G. Murray and Isabel H. Conway. The Vice Principals were Tillie McSavaney, Anna J. McKenzie, Leida Ross and A.G. Murray.

In the school it was reported that there were changes to the West End School, the biggest of which was the services of modern conveniences for the pupils. Hardwood floors had been laid; new chalk boards replacing many of the plaster ones; opening the hallway for safety in case of fire and tinting the walls of the corridor and classrooms were other changes.

In the near future it was hoped to replace the desk of the Grade 2 classroom at the Junction Road School and to also replace some of the worn out seats in some of the other classrooms.

An entertainment in the U.M.W. Hall was held to raise funds for the School Library to increase the fiction and reference books.

There were 32 departments (classrooms) in 1929 with 705 boys enrolled in Grades 1-8 and 660 girls in the same grades. The total number of boys enrolled in Grades 9-11 were 65 while there were 93 girls enrolled.

This was the year that the Government took control of the liquor vendors. The Vendor’s Department had a profitable year, due, we assume, to the fact that the health of the people has not been as good as it might be.

In the Fire Department there was an addition of the Motor Ladder Truck which made our equipment during the year second to none in the province.

Report of the Police Court ending December 31, 1929 - No. of Drunk, 65; Assaults, 31; Disorderly, 30; N.S.T.A., 18; Motor Vehicle Act, 7; Theft, 4; Fighting, 14; Bastardly, 5; Board Bill, 4; Obstructing Police, 6; and sent up for trial for Break and Entry, 22.

The number convicted, 184; dismissed, 22; summons served on defendants, 112; summons issued on witness, 33; N.S.T.A. searches, 173; locked up for one night and given one meal, 123.

The Water Department reported several lines had to be replaced on Main Street, Spruce Street, Leckie Street, Fosters Lane and the service was also extended on Elm Street. Some repairs were made to one of the Dams but it was noted that there were more repairs urgently needed to the Dams.

The responsibility of lighting our Town had been transferred from the Edison Electric Company to the Avon River Light and Power Company.

Any lights that were reported out were replaced but the tendency of the youngsters to take a shot at the bulbs does not seem to have been curtailed very much.

Dr. R.R. Withrow, the Health Officer for the town complained about the filthy conditions of the sewers and drains in several sections of town. One mistake that had been made on several streets by not putting the sewer deep enough so that the residents on the low side of the street can connect their cellar drains into the sewer. In fact a great many cannot connect their bathrooms in the proper manner.

The Fire Department answered 39 calls during the year with the actual number of fires being 22. The Department received a new pumper and hose wagon which was designed and built by A.H. Brown. A fire hydrant was needed at the bottom of Junction Road, at the top of Victoria Street and a larger supply pipe was needed on Upper Victoria Street. Some of the hydrants were leaking and the threads of the others were in such condition that it was impossible to attach a fire hose. To much stress cannot be laid on the condition of the water supply in the higher portions of town, particularly Princess Street as good pressure should be available at all times in the vicinity of our Hospital.