The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 29th, 2014

Sept. 22, 1938Springhill Record - Pedestrians to Face Traffic

     Under an Order in Council recently made, the Motor Vehicle Laws of Nova Scotia are amended to make it illegal, and an offence under the Act, for the pedestrians to walk on the highway with their backs to the direction of the traffic.

     The regulation specifically states that pedestrians on the highway shall, whenever practicable, move upon the left half of the highway and as near as practicable to the left side of said left half.

     It is observed that this is a prohibition against two pedestrians walking side by side on the travelled side of the highway, even though they may be complying with the regulation by facing the flow of traffic.

     For some years this has been a recognized safety precaution endorsed and recommended by all Safety Organizations on this Continent, that, for their own protection pedestrians should walk facing traffic.

     This regulation now makes safety suggestion legal and provides a penalty of a fine not in excess of $25.00 or more than thirty days imprisonment, for its nonobservance.

     The necessity of the pedestrian wearing something light in color, or carrying some sort of light, while walking on an unlighted portion of the travelled highway still exists.

Oct. 20, 1938 Falls Over Cliff

     Ernest, 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brine, Springhill, had a narrow escape from being killed when he fell over a cliff, 35 feet high, at Joggins, Sunday evening around dusk.

     Young Brine, along with a number of other boys, were playing hide and go seek, when he fell over the cliff when the ground gave away beneath his feet.  He landed in the sand on the beach just inches away from a large rock.  The tide was out at the time.  He was knocked unconscious.

     Fred Parsons, an uncle, at whose home Ernest had been staying for the last few days, picked him up and he was rushed to All Saints Hospital here. 

     He is badly bruised about the hips and back but an x-ray revealed no bones broken.  He is improving nicely.

* * *

Here is a poem written by Bertha Scott entitled “The Springhill Record

     I get a little paper every week from my home town

     It’s not much like the dailies that on Sundays weigh me down.

     It is printed every Thursday.  Though it has no supplement

     Nor artsy – rotogravure, I’m always glad it’s sent;

     For it tells me all the doings of the folks way back home

     And it always catches up with me, no matter where I roan.

     It gives no clever verses by syndicated bards,

     But I see my second cousin entertained her friends at cards.

     On Big Town works its silent and there is not much on finance

     But it tells that the Rebekahs gave a good old-fashioned dance.

     “And look who’s back in town” I say “And look who’s gone away!”

     “And look who’s gone to see her boys” “And look who’s home to stay!”

     I watch out for the Town Hall news, to see who’s on the spot

     For if there has been fighting, I like to know who fought.

     And its fun to find a poem simply signed D.W.B.

     And to know I’m going to like it, whatever it may be.

     It says the farmers feel the worse, because of too much rain:

     And note the newest estimates include, at last, Grays Lane.

     I see the Mayor and Councillors voted for the road work to commence,

     And “Kelly” has the lumber for his new garage and fence.

     Well – Maybe not the fence this time. There aren’t many now

     Since Springhill voted off her streets, the roving family cow.

     I turn to see what B.I.S. has written on the news,

     Some country maybe trying out, some unexpected ruse;

     But first I give to Inego, a quick expectant look

     (I wish they’d put his stories in a big delightful book!)

     Time marches on.  I see it most in news of home-town ball.

     Some new ones come, the old ones go, some I don’t know at all.

     I see that good old “Hank’s” engaged in high affairs of state,

     So that when others go to bat, he is a delegate.

     I’m glad to see that Charlie Paul is still the youngster’s friend

     He always sets the standard high and coaches to that end.

     I’d like to see the sport of Kings come back again to stay

     Keep at it Merve, and horsemen may yet live to see the day.

     When like a ghost of other times swift hoofs shall tap the ground

     And horsey folk flock in to town as “Horse Trot Day” comes round.

     Some things I read with quickened heart.  Sometimes my eyes are dim

     Someone I knew has passed away --- and I remember him.

     The worldly ones may smile at us, but they are tender smiles

     These hometown items form a bond through many years and miles.

     O, good old home town paper, your little weekly call

     Is most like going home again.  I like you best of all.