The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 29th, 2012

Strand Fire

Jan. 15, 1935 Springhill RecordStretcher Arrives

     Springhill, N.S. January 11 – The new stretcher for the motor ambulance arrived this week and was installed Wednesday afternoon by Mr. G.L. Glendenning.  Of chrome nickel finish the stretcher has a heavy felt mattress and adjustable back and leg sections which may be raised or lowered as the need arises.  It has smooth running ball bearing wheels and side arms for lifting purposes.  A special attachment fastens it to the floor of the car.  J.W. Potter, President of the Board of Trade and A.B. Wilson, Chairman of the Board of Trade Committee, that made the purchase and others who viewed the new stretcher, expressed themselves as well pleased with the purchase.

Nurses Graduate at All Saints’

    Springhill, N.S., January 11 –  Graduation exercises were held at All Saints’ Hospital Wednesday evening when Miss Olive Catherine Grant of New Glasgow, Miss Sarah Eaton and Mrs. Lawson Fowler, of Springhill, were presented with diplomas by Rev. J.M.C. Wilson, Chairman of the Hospital Board, and class pins by Mrs. C.M. Ryan, Superintendent of Nurses.  Besides the nurses there was present at the ceremony the Hospital Board comprising Doctors M.J. Wardrope and H.L. Simpson, Rev. G.R. Harrison, Messrs. George Hopkins, treasurer; George Haystead, secretary, and James Cottenden.

     Following the presentation a social hour was enjoyed in the Nurses’ home.

     In an interview this morning Rev. J.M.C. Wilson, Chairman of the Board, informed The Record that a group picture of the nursing staff is to be taken today.

     The Record joins with the citizens of Springhill in extending congratulations to the graduates.

Feb. 5, 1935Strand Fire Set Is Opinion of Investigating Officer

Springhill, N.S., February 1 - Deputy Fire Marshall Wright, assisted by Chief Wm. Mont, has carefully gone over the remains of the Strand Theatre, destroyed by fire last Friday morning by fire, in an effort to solve the mystery surrounding the destruction of the theatre, causing a loss estimated at some $30,000.00.

     Discovered about 4 a.m. by Otis Ogles, who dashed up to the Police Office and informed Officer Newcombe, the fire was just gaining headway in the office of the theatre as Officer Newcombe forced an entrance.  He was part way up the stairs when the smoke forced him back and he was of the opinion that the inside of the office was all aflame.  Awakening Frank Alick across the street, the policeman sent in the fire alarm and the Department was soon on the scene and running hose with the temperature some twelve degrees below.  Despite their efforts the fire gained headway back on the rest of the main building and struck the tat paper while the flames leaped high in the sky and lighted up the area for some distance.

     With water dripping from the hose and freezing on their clothes and hands, while their faces, ears and feet suffered intensely from the bitter cold, the firemen put up a gallant but losing fight to save the structure which collapsed an hour or so later although it burned for hours and required close attention.

     While the flames were at their height, burning embers were carried by the strong wind several streets east and only the snow and ice on the roof of the houses prevented what might have been another serious situation.

     During the early morning blaze the firemen were treated to hot coffee made in the home of Frank Alick and distributed by willing hands.

     Insurance on the building is said to be negligible, a large policy having expired some eleven days before the fire.  Sympathy is expressed on all side for Miss M.J. Anderson in her great loss and it is the hope of the citizens that if the fire was set that the culprit may be apprehended.  It is definitely known that a man was seen entering the building about 1:30 a.m. and remained inside for some three-quarters of an hour coming out with a bundle under his arm.  Entrance was forced at the back east door while the party regained the street through the east side door near the front.  Deputy Fire Marshall Wright, who is working on the case and the local Chief have in another column of this issue, requested the assistance of the citizens in tracing this mysterious party.