The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 29, 2009

Wednesday Apr. 29, 2009 –Items from old Springhill Paper

Here is an article that was in the Springhill Record on March 23, 1950 titled “A Few Items From an Old Springhill Paper”

A few items from the June 22, 1901 edition of the Tribune, Springhill, may prove interesting to our readers. The old paper was handed to The Journal editor recently by John Hewson and was originally addressed to his grandfather, the late C.B. Hewson, former well known farmer of River Philip.

“The Tribune” was a 4 page paper with S. McDowell as manager. It was well patronized by advertisers, the ads ranging from one of three full columns by John Wilson (only recently deceased), J.C. Gillespie’s shoe store, A.E. Fraser’s hardware, John Murray Jr., and Co., dry goods, who advertised 2000 yards of white cotton at 6 and 8 cents per yard, down from 8 and 12 c; J.W. McIntosh & Co.’s shoe store, Smith and Oxley, hardware, Frank K. McLeod, fashionable tailor, S.L. Marcus, who announced the arrival of two carloads of furniture with oak bedroom suites from $8 to $40, springs $1.45 and lounges at $4.50.

Cumberland District Lodge I.O.G.T met at Millvale on June 19. Daniel Rogers, Herbert Fox, John Casey and Oscar Dobson were delegates from Success Lodge, Springhill.

On Sunday morning June 16, we had a heavy frost which did much damage to the gardens.

The Glorious 12 th of July will be observed at Trenton. A special train goes from Springhill Jct., the fare being $1.25.

Waisting the Fluid – Note the spelling of “wasting”. Last Tuesday Stipendiary Foster on a Scott Act case fine the woman concerned $50 and order the three cask of beer destroyed and on that evening Inspector Mattinson and staff rolled out on the street three casks containing about 90 gallons, which, with the aid of Carrie’s hatchet were quickly demolished, and the fluid flowed down the gutters.

A dirth of preachers in this town last Sabbath. There were no preaching services in the Baptist, Presbyterian or Methodist churches on account of the ministers being absent from town.

We regret to hear of the death of James W. Hewson, which occurred at his late residence, River Philip, on June 16. Mr. Hewson was 60 years old. C.B. Hewson of River Philip is a son.

The London Imperial Moving Pictures are showing films at the Parish House, Springhill, on June 22 and 24 th. Pictures include the funeral of her late Majesty Queen Victoria’s last progress through her fleet, the lines of miles of battleships from whose sides the burst of smoke show the firing of the minute guns, the escort of torpedo boats came into view, followed by the Alberta, with its sad burden showing on the deck, as she slowly winds her way amid this mighty armada of a nation in mourning. The funeral at Hyde Park Corner, London also at Windsor, Graphic scenes of the Boer War and Mrs. Carrie Nation and her hatchet brigade in the act of wiping out a saloon

The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen had an excursion from Moncton to Pugwash on June 15. Twelve well filled cars, accompanied by the Moncton Band.

Tantramar Bridge which spans the river on the main road between Amherst and Sackville burned on June 18. The bridge was built over 50 years ago and was considered unsafe.

Preparations are underway for the July 1 st races at Springhill.

The new Springhill post office is growing apace. The Cumberland boy is fulfilling his promise to the letter.

Saturday seems to be a favourite day in Springhill for the men to lay off. On Saturday, the 4 th there were 190 absentees, on the 11 th, 122, on the 18, 202.

On March 12, Springhill baseball team won from Truro 13-4, their second win in the league series.

The local company are building a new brick lamp house at No. 2 slope.

At a meeting on June 20 th, the barbers of Springhill decided to advance the price of hair cutting to 25¢.