The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 28th, 2012

More Stores from 1930

Here are some more businesses and the people who ran them in the 1930’s taken from the Springhill Record Oct. 31, 1930

Wilson Store among Leaders

     A check-up on the history of the John Wilson business would be a fair part of the history of Springhill – its growth from a small beginning, its periods of prosperity, its depressions due to strikes and various causes, and the good standing of both at the present time.  In line with commercial ideas of earlier times the business was established and carried on as a general store.  Mr. Wilson has made a number of important changes in his store property to conform to changing needs and conditions.  In times past this store specialized in superior yard goods, their silks, especially being of great beauty and excellence.  These goods at one time occupied three quarters of the shelf space.  As the demand diminished due to the increase of ready to wear garments, the shelving space was lowered and topped by display ledges – an attractive arrangement.  Today the proportion is neatly reversed.  The yard goods occupy one quarter at the back of the main floor, the front part being re-modeled to display their stock of ladies’ garments, lingerie, fancy and toilet goods, and millinery.  The remaining departments, shoes, groceries etc. run as usual.  Mr. Wilson has associated with his sons William and James.  It is a nice business, giving good value and courteous service.

The Fashion Shoppe

     The Fashion Shoppe operated by Mrs. Hector Bryan, November 2, 1928, is now on a satisfactory basis.  During the first months the business took shape, the policy and mode of management being evolved.  After for running for six months in the Durward Smith block, removal was made to the John Wilson (Baker) Shop, after renovations such as remodeling window backgrounds, lettering the windows with the firm name, and arranging a fitting room.  Although it is one of the older Main Street shops, it is a pleasant stand.  Mrs. Bryan has plans for further improvements such as the addition of display and light fixtures, the new lighting system to be installed immediately.  Mrs. Bryan attends the fashion shows at Montreal and Halifax twice a year, doing the bulk of her buying at these time, being thus so intimate touch with her stock and enabled to give expression to a choice and discriminating taste.  She wishes to emphasize the point that she gives special attention to the choice of models in the larger sizes,  A complete and attractive stock of ladies’ and children’s wear includes lingerie, hosiery, coat, dresses and millinery.

O.C. Layton

     It was in 1904 that O.C. Layton, the genial plumber, started business in the stand where the Capital Theatre is now located.  In 1906 he moved  his scene of operations to the Mills building, next to McDonald’s, which has since burned down, where for nine years the business thrived under his capable management, when he moved to his present location in the Knight’s building where he carries on his plumbing and general repair business.

Ice Cream Parlor Well Patronized

     One of the younger business men of the town who has made progress during the past few years is Earl Johnson, who established an ice cream parlor and confectionery in the Knight’s block lower Main Street.  With the installation of a Frigidaire the ice cream parlor has become a popular resort for young and old.

     Besides these lines Mr. Johnson handles Watkin’s Products and in his energetic way has worked up a splendid business in this line.

Hardware Business Makes Progress

     Established at Lower Main Street in September 1926, the hardware business, owned and operated by Mr. Lewis Rogers, has grown during these few years into a prosperous store where practically everything in the hardware line is obtainable at reasonable prices.  Himself a young man, Mr. Rogers gives his whole time to the extension of his business.  He has recently added the agency for McClary Ranges, which have proven big sellers.

Ideal Barber Shop is popular Place

     Established last year by Carl Schurman on his return from the States, the Ideal Barber Shop has grown in favor with men and women and today enjoys a splendid patronage.  Mr. Schurman has been particularly attentive to the appearance of his shop.  Done in white with black trimmings the interior of the shop is very attractive and is often the subject of much favorable comment from his clients.

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    The Springhill Heritage Group is currently looking for an old nurses’ uniform to be on display in the Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre this summer.  If you have one or know someone who does and would like to loan or donate to the Heritage Group please get in touch with Russell Fisher.