The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 28th, 2013

Tribute to King George V

Jan. 23, 1936 – Springhill Record – Tribute Paid

     The manager and staff of the Canadian Stores branch here are to be congratulated on their window in memory of His Majesty the Late King George V.  A large number of people have commented on the attractiveness of it.

     The entire window is draped in dull black, while on a stand in the centre is a large portrait of His Majesty.  Arranged below the portrait are green palms bound with royal purple.  At night the window shows to even better advantage when the soft shaded lights add much to the majestic attractiveness of the display.

Feb. 6, 1936 Warnings to Motorist

  1. Tom Jones has gone to heavenly heights,

  2. He tried to drive without his lights.

  3. Jack Hayne this busy life forsake,

  4. He never would re-line his breaks.

  5. Here’s all that’s left of Amos Bossing,

  6. He tried to be it to the crossing.

  7. No more from Brown are earthly smiles,

  8. He took the curve at fifty miles.

  9. Ted Small has gone to his abode,

  10. He kept the middle of the road.

  11. Here lies our friend, poor Tony Dix,

  12. For booze and gasoline won’t mix.

  13. Jim Henry’s friends are all bereft,

  14. He made a short turn to the left.

  15. Ben Gray is free from earthly pains,

  16. An icy day – he had no chains.

  17. Poor Bill’s beneath the sod, alas!

  18. He speeded up and tried to pass.

  19. Now Tom has joined the heavenly band,

  20. He tried to drive with a single hand.

  21.     Anon

Mar. 19, 1936 13th Baby Born Friday 13th

Friday the 13th was an exciting day at All Saints Hospital when a baby girl, Jean Evelyn, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Megeney.  This was the 13th baby born during the month of March and when the baby was added to those already in the nursery it was found to be the 13th in the nursery.  What excitement!  That’s one to remember for Friday 13th.

Congratulations K of P

Knights of Pythias are to be congratulated in having obtained the 72nd Anniversary of the founding of their order by Justice H. Rathbone.  The occasion was celebrated by the local lodge Thursday evening when over 210 persons were present, indicating the popularity of this outstanding order which has been making progress during the past few years when other lodges were barely holding their own.

Jan. 16, 1936Convicted

     Mrs. Nita Taylor was convicted by Magistrate Lambert in the Police Court on Friday and sentenced to a fine of $100 and cost or one month in jail for having liquor on her premises contrary to the Liquor Control Act.  Information was laid by Corporals Rockwell and Nillson of the R.C.M.P. who, in their evidence, stated the liquor was found in the cellar of the accused.  Mrs. Taylor took the jail sentence and was taken to Amherst on Monday.

Mar. 26, 1936 No Fireworks

There was an unusual flurry of excitement in the Police Court this morning as over two hundred spectators set in on the proceeding with the expectation of hearing sensational evidence in the case of Juanita Taylor, arrested Wednesday evening on a charge laid under the Liquor Control Act.  Previous to her arrest the defendant threatened to “blow the lid off” and the spectators were curious to know the inside story.

       The crowd was doomed to disappointment, for after hearing the cases of Ernest Austin, arrested on a common assault charge, laid by his wife and Walter Mille who was up under the Liquor Control Act, the court was adjourned.  Austin was fined $30 and $1 cost or 30 days, while Mille was fined $10 and $1 cost or 15 days.  Both pleaded guilty.

     In his office, after the court adjourned, Stipendiary Magistrate took the information laid by Chief William Mont “Unlawful intoxication in a public place”.  “Ten dollars and cost of one dollar or thirty days” said the Magistrate as she pleaded guilty.  To a second charge of damaging the door in the jail, Juanita Taylor pleaded guilty and was fined another ten dollars and four dollars for damages or thirty days in Amherst.  The defendant told the Magistrate she could not pay the fine.  Her talkative nature of the evening before had subsided and she accepted the sentence without a word.