The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 28, 2007

Feb. 28, 2007 – All Saints’and Gilt Cross


Did you know that there was an important connection between Springhill and the communities along the Parrsboro shore eighty-odd years ago?

This was before Parrsboro or Advocate had a hospital, and Springhill’s All Saints’ Cottage was new (1893). In those days, with the ports along the coast busy with ships from all over the world, often there were sailors needing medical attention.

In the minutes of All Saints’ Cottage Hospital Board, Oct. 4, 1894, we read: “Arrangements were made with the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, whereby sick sailors from the ports of Parrsboro, Advocate, Apple River, Port Greville, Economy and Five Islands will be sent to Springhill Hospital at the same rate as other hospitals, viz. 90 cents per diem”.

Receipts for the month of August, 1896, include, “Department of Marine and Fisheries (for sick sailors) $147.60.”

Once such patient died and the hospital looked after arrangements; from the Hospital Minute Book, December 16, 1895 : “R. McKenzie, the undertaker, for funeral expenses for L. Olleson, a dead sailor, $23.50.”

These and other interesting facts have been uncovered in the research on the history of All Saints’, Springhill

Extant are the original account books of Rev. W.C. Wilson from 1892 to 1894, and the original Minute Books of All Saints’ Hospital Board, 1893-1935. The existence of these valuable records inspired the writing of the history of All Saints’ Cottage Hospital.

This led to the writing of the complete history of All Saints’, because the founder of the hospital also built all Saints’ Church, 1893, and the Parish House, 1892. The hospital was an extension of his church’s work.

The history of All Saints’ Church, All Saints’ Cottage Hospital, the Nursing School, and the story of the founder of them all, Canon W.C. Wilson, is contained in the latest book of Springhill historian, Bertha J. Campbell. It is now in the process of being published and is expected to be on sale early in the New Year.

This article was from “Advocate Manor Stories” by Bertha J. Campbell. The date it was written is unknown.

Here is an article from the Springhill Record, Nov. 20, 1952 .


Mayor A.J. Mason, M.L.A., a pioneer in the motion picture industry was among the six pioneers honored at a banquet in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto , recently. Mr. Mason entered the industry as a touring exhibitor in 1906 and has followed it ever since, having operated theatres in Wolfville, Parrsboro, Springhill and Montreal .

Each of the pioneers was presented with a scroll of gold and onyx. On the scroll are the words “Canadian Picture Pioneers, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Motion Picture Theatre, 1902 – 1952. You helped to rock the cradle of our industry. Toronto , November 5, 1952 .”

From Springhill Record – May 1938


Springhill May 1 – All Saints’ Church was the scene of an interesting event at this evening service, the first of its kind in Springhill, when George Foster, a former member of the 1 st Springhill Troop of Boy Scouts was presented with a Gilt Cross for life saving. The presentation, which was made by A.W. Davidson, was witnessed by a large congregation among whom were many prominent citizens, Scout leaders and Scouts, Wolf Cubs, committee men and others connected with or interested in Scout work. Mayor Davidson read the following citation – “the Nova Scotia Boy Scout Provincial Board of Honor takes great pleasure in announcing an award to be presented to Troop Leader George Foster, of the 1 st Springhill Troop of Boy Scouts. This award is in recognition of an act of gallantry preformed by the afore mentioned Scout.”

The troop was camping at Riverview near Oxford last summer when the incident occurred. Mr. Brown who was spending a few days as a visitor at the camp was trying to cross the river on a sand bar when he accidentally stepped off the bar into the deep water of the main channel Being a poor swimmer; he quickly got into difficulties as the current carried him away from the bar. Foster, who was on the bank at the time immediately dashed to the rescue and after a struggle got Brown to the bank.

Scout Foster, who is a strong swimmer, has been a member of the 1 st Springhill troop of scouts since 12 years of age. He is a possessor of a number of badges, one of them for proficiency in rescue work. He is the son of Chester Foster of the Herrett Road .

Accompanying the cross was the following letter from Sir Edward W. Beatty. “Dear Troop Leader Foster: I would like to congratulate you upon having been awarded the Gilt Cross of the Boy Scout s Association, the prompt and brave manner in which you went to the rescue of a young man who was in danger of drowning is greatly to the credit of your gallantry was examined by the Provincial Board of Honor and the Dominion Medal Board. These bodies recommended the award of a Gilt Cross to you and His Excellency the Chief Scout of Canada gave his approval. On behalf of all these and myself may I offer you our best wishes good luck, good health and good Scouting.”

Rev. W.M. Knickle, rector of All Saints, took as his subject for tonight’s sermon – “Scouting”