The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 27th, 2014

May 23, 1940 Springhill Record To Stand Trial for Theft Charge

     HalifaxCharles MacDonald of Halifax, was committed by Magistrate R.J. Flinn yesterday to stand trial for the theft of a car belonging to R.J. Zwicker, Halifax Insurance Agent, on May 9.

     MacDonald was arrested in a Springhill Hospital after the allegedly stolen car had been involved in a collision near the town with another vehicle.  He was identified as the driver of the Halifax car.  A second man in it, John Young, 73 Maynard St., Halifax was sentenced to eighteen months in city prison for car theft, following a plea of guilty in police court several days ago.

Battery Banqueted – The 8th Medium Battery, R.C.A. at Charlottetown banqueted at Beach Grove Inn last Thursday and the boys listened to a number of interesting messages from leaders and public men.  In his address Mayor Holman intimated to the Islanders that the 8th Battery was not wholly an Island organization, but that it contained many Springhill boys who could be expected to give a good account of themselves in battle.  He recalled the service rendered at Island Battery in the Great War by three Springhill boys Sergeant Archie Potter, Logan Milton, and Truman Morris, who had set an excellent example for the Springhill boys in the 8th Battery.  We understand that about 20 local boys are attached to the 8th Battery and Springhill knows it can depend on them to bring credit to the battery and their own town.

May 30, 1940 Men Refuse to Enter Mine; All German Lamps Stopped

     The local mines are not working this afternoon despite the fact that orders were issued today that no workers of German nationality were to be permitted to enter the pit but the workers refused to enter the mines this afternoon.

     Early in the afternoon the men gathered around the washhouse and finally decided they would return home and await the outcome of a meeting to be held at the Miner’s Hall tonight at 7 p.m.

     It is said the tie up has something to do with sabotage, but the workers should be careful in repeating stories said to be going the rounds as to the seriousness of the situation.  Some of them have been considerably exaggerated.  It is possible that within a few days an official statement may be issued.

Parking Spaces Marked Out

     The task for marking out spaces for cars has been completed.  Spaces have been widened some 8 inches, which, while cutting down the number of spaces nevertheless makes it more convenient for motorist and easier to keep within the law.  The sweeping curve at the corner of Main St. and the Junction Rd. has not yet impressed itself on the minds of motorists but the Police are paying close attention to this detail and before long drivers will realize that the lines are laid out for their own safety and must be observed.

Bicycles Still Offending

     Children riding bicycles are still breaking all the laws of the road. They continue to ride all over the road; ride on the sidewalk; fail to stop at stop signs; fail to carry lights at night and continue to carry passengers on the handle bars.

June 6, 1940Fifty Foreigners Laid Off Work

     The lamps of fifty foreigners have been stopped by the Company since last Thursday at the request of D.W. Morrison, President of the United Mine Workers, and various groups of miners, Mr. E.B. Paul, Supt. of the Company told The Record at press time today.

     Last Thursday some 27 lamps of Germans were stopped.  The mines were idle Thursday afternoon and Friday, but the men went back to work Saturday morning and have continued work since.  Sunday evening, however, three more lamps were stopped at the request of men on the eleven o’clock shift.  These were two Czechs and one Romanian.  Since that time and at the request of the men, the total number refused permission to enter the mine has grown to fifty.

     The authorities have been active all week investigating the various cases, but no statement is yet forthcoming.

Electric Storm Does Damage

     The severe lightning storm that struck Springhill early this morning caused considerable damage but as far as can be determined no one was injured.

    Mrs. Michael Casey and her two children, Athol Rd., had a close call about twenty minutes after Mr. Casey had left for the mines.  Mrs. Casey rose to lift the blind and was returning to bed when a bolt struck the chimney which crumbled.  Windows too were broken and the broken electrical wires started three fires, one of which Mrs. Casey was successful in beating out herself before making her escape to the home of Ed. Casey nearby.  Ed Casey returned to the house and put out two more fires.  The home was badly damaged.

     Fenwick McCormick’s house was also badly damaged.  A bolt went through the roof, snapping a beam in the attic, leaving a large whole on either side of the roof.  Running down the wall to the wash room a large piece of gyproc was cut out and thrown into the kitchen.  On the other side of the wall, the pantry shelves were wrecked; the dishes shattered and thrown about – covered with the contents of a large jug of molasses.

     Minor damage such as scorched paint and a radio put out of action was reported at Robert Bowden’s, Upper Main St., and Wylie Gilbert’s barn, nearby, shingles being ripped off and the rafters shattered.