The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Aug. 27, 2008

Aug. 27, 2008 – Springhill Teachers

Here is a list of the teachers who taught in the Springhill schools. How many of them do you remember?

Beryl Alderson; Elaine (Maddison) Allen; Garrity Allen; Pearl Anderson; Nancy Austin; Eleanor Barrow; Robert Beardsley; Agnes (Hayman) Beaton; Henrietta Beaton; Kate Beaton; Jennie Bell; Peter Bell; Theresa (Hatherly) Bell; Donald Best; Annette (McCormick) Betts; Margie (McMillan) Bickerton; Jane (Dill) Black; Mark Boone; Elbridge Boran; Minerva Boran; Omar Bourgeois; Joyce Boyce; James Brine; Christine Brown; Olga Brown; Violet (Vickery) Brown; Marion Burbine; Dan Calder; Marjorie (Mrs. James) Calder; Nellie (King) Calder; A.H. Cameron; Mame Cameron; Belle Campbell; Bertha Campbell; Bill Campbell; Bonnie Campbell; Douglas Campbell; John Campbell; Kit Campbell; Lulu Campbell; George Canfield; Frank Canning; Lillian (Murray) Canning; Hannah (Hayman) Carde; Robert Carter; Agnes Caulfield; Isabel Chandler; Carol (Graf) Chapman; Gary Chapman; Miss Christie; Eddie Chell; Lena Chell; Dorothy Clark; Gary Clark; John Clarke; Isabel (Belle) Conway; Jean Conway; Bessie Cooper; Ina Cooper; Leota Cooper; Frank Cosnick; O.B. Cossit; Denise (Meagher) Crowe; Isabel Cruickshank; Evelyn Cummings; Steve Czapalay; Peggy Davidson; Sally Davidson; Sarah (Swift) Davis; Cathy DeCoste; Mrs. DeLong; Eva Dewar; Dorothy (MacAloney) Dick; David Dickson, Dorothy Dickson; Jean Dickson; Miss Drysdale; Derrick Easson; Edna Eaton; Jane Elliott; Lily Elliott; Minnie Elliott; Beverley Emberly; Rhoda (McLeod) Farnell; Lulu Faulds; Nita Fenton; Ellen Ferguson; Mrs. Filitier; Alice Fisher; Ella Fletcher; Charlotte Fortune; Mr. Frame; Donna Fraser; Margaret Fraser; Marilyn Fraser; Simon Fraser; Stewart Fraser; Ethel (Fisher) Gilbert; Diane Gillis; Agnes Gilroy; Grace (Adams) Gilroy; Helen (Atkinson) Gilroy; Jean Gilroy; Jennie Gilroy; Mary Gilroy; Pauline Glennie; Phyllis Glennie; Miss Grant; Susie A. Hall; Anna Hamilton; Myrna Harroun; Mary Hatherly; Dale Hawley; Lillian Hayman; Annie (McIvor) Hayward; H.B. Hoegg; Lillian Hunter; James Hunter; Miss Hunter; Morgan Hunter; Mrs. Frank Hunter; Beryl (Ross) James; Cass (Mrs. Rod) Johnson; Jacob Johnson; Annie Jones; Susie Kent; Brenda (Allen) King; Diane Langille; Gerald Langille; Tilly Langille; Margaret Lanner; Gwen Layton; Ivy Layton; John Layton, Persis Layton; Evelyn (Langille) Leadbetter; Jean Leadbetter; Maureen Legrow; Christine Letcher; Stella (Tabor) Linkletter; Frances Lockhart; Ella Logan; Lormier; Lettie Lowther; Miss MacAloney; Muriel MacAloney; Annie MacDonald, Betty (Fisher) MacDonald; John S. MacDonald; Mary MacDonald; Dale MacDougall; Annie MacKay; Dr. H.H. MacKay; Annie J. MacKenzie; Shirley (Matthews) MacKinnon; Bessie MacLeod; Lillian MacLeod; Teresa R. (McPhee) MacLeod; Gladys MacPherson; Leone MacPherson; Letitia MacPherson; Minnie MacPherson; Lillian Macrae; Annie MacSavaney; Miss Mac Vicar; Carol (Maddison) Reese; Glyn Maddison; Janice (Hyatt) Maddison; Shirley (Moore) Maddison; Carthell Martin; Brenda Matthews, Lillian Matthews; Lorraine Matthews; Vera (MacKenzie) Matthews; Harley Mattinson; David McClelland; Ethel (Embree) McCormick; Agnes McIssac; Hilda McLeod; Marilyn McMannaman; Mr. J.E. McVicar; Dorothy Meagher; Sandra Meekins; Georganne (Reid) Melanson; Marilyn Mitchell, Ralph Mitchell; Elaine (Potter) Mont; Barb (Brown) Moore; Lee Moore; Mike Moore; Mrs. Freda Moore; Alva Moss; Christine Moss; Jessie Moss; Winnie Moss; Irene (Davis) Munroe, James Munroe; Lloyd Munroe; Harriett Murphy; Annie Murray; Audrey (Clark) Murray; Chris Murray; Drew Murray; Ella (Murray) Mrs. Leslie Bond; Emma (Allbon) Murray; Mary Louise Nelson; Pearl Newcombe; Rose Newcombe; Carrie Newman; Hattie (Caulfield) Newman; Jean Newman; Renovia (Reese) Newman, George W. Nixon; Alfretta Noiles; Lois Noiles; Brenda (Hunter) O’Brien; Della O’Brien; Rufus O’Brien; Eileen O’Rourke; Mame (Burden) O’Rourke; Mary O’Rourke; Miss Oulton; Priscilla Oxley; Patricia Parker; Audrey (Lewis) Patriquin; Cheryl Patriquin; Gertrude Paul; Naomi Peppard; Phyllis Pettigrew; Ruth Pettigrew; Mr. G. Pippy; Patty (Michelson) Porter; Leonard Prentice; Miss Proctor; Ethel Pugh; Shirley Pugsley; Mr. Purba; Annie Purdy; Jean (Pugsley) Purdy; John A Purdy; Jackie Purdy; Nancy (Dill) Pyke; Hazel Quinlan; Audrey (Skidmore) Rae; Elsie Read; Marjorie (Demings) Rector; Maggie (Noiles) Reid; Clara Ritchie; Mary Robbins; Lynn Robinson; Edith Rogers; Rachael Rolfe; Effie Roney; Lottie Roney; Leida Ross; Edith Rushton; Miss Salter (Mrs. Reid Baker); Wayne Sarty; Clara Sayre; Elsie Schurman; Bertha Scott; Linda (Boss) Scott; Doris Sigmann; Lydia Simpson; Susie Simpson; Marie (Pettigrew) Skidmore; Mildred (Hayman) Smith; Ruth Smith; Viva Smith; Jennie Sommerville; Howard Spence; Mr. Stapleton; Allan Stubbert; Rhoda Swan; Alice Swift; Clara Tabor; Gladys Tabor; Irene Terris; Marguerite Terris; Marilyn (Spence) Thompson; Mr. Torey; Marilyn Totten; Janet Tupper; Richard Tuttle; Shirley (Hatton) Venoit; Doreen Vickery; Freda (Hayward) Vickery; Donald Wallace; Jean Wallace; Kathryn (McCormick) Ward; Elizabeth (Roblee) Warren; Ann Watkins; Beatrice Watt; Daisy Watt; Leona (Ward) Welton; Miss Whidden; Janet White; Lois (Potter) Whitman; Beatrice (Austin) Wilson; Virginia Wilson; David Wood; Marjorie Wright.