The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 26th, 2012

Sept. 3, 1935 Sign Contract for Main Street

     Springhill, N.S. August 30 –

     Monday evening Mayor Wm. H. Murray put his signature to the contract authorizing the Warren Construction Company to proceed with the covering of Main Street.  The work will be proceeded with almost at once.

     The entire council voted its approval with the undertaking with the exception of Councillor Bowden, who felt that if the town had money for this purpose, it should also have money for a sidewalk on Mechanic Street on which he lives.  There was a spirited argument as to the land available for such a sidewalk without filling in the ditch at the lower end of the street.  Councillor Bowden would not give his consent to filling in the ditch to make the project possible.  He wanted a curb and gutter put in and the other councillors objected to the expenditure.  We sort of gathered from the argument that Councillor Phillips, Chairman of the streets, would proceed with the filling of the ditch and building the sidewalk at once.  The Councillor refused, however, to accept any responsibility for what might happen in that neighbourhood due to the filling of the ditch.  When Councillor let the argument he remarked he was going to Amherst to find out if it was legal for the Town to proceed with the work on Main Street without consulting the people.  It was a spirited argument while it lasted.

     The meeting called for Monday evening never really opened. It appeared the original estimate on the Main Street job was some $7,000.00.  A closer check up revealed it would cost nearer $9,000.00 and Mayor Murray wanted more time to look into the cost.

After looking over similar jobs elsewhere and on advice from other towns and government officials that the price quoted was very satisfactory, the Mayor put his signature to the document.

     There was some question of not extending the asphalt into the curb which would result in a saving of some $600.  The opinion was freely expressed that this would weaken the edges where it would have to be tapered down and might ruin the whole job in a short time.  It was finally decided to carry the asphalt right into the curb.

Making Progress

     Progress is more evident on the new company office now in the course of erection on the corner of Main and McDougall streets.  The foundation has been completed and the framework is going up rapidly.  Entrance to the new office will be from McDougall St.

Average Retail Gasoline Prices


    Ordinary, 22 ½ c per gallon

   Ethyl, 25 ½ c per gallon


   Ordinary, 27c per gallon

   Ethyl, 31 ½ c per gallon


   Ordinary, 29 ½ c per gallon

   Ethyl, 31 ½ c per gallon

All prices quoted are inclusive of government tax of six cents.

Attractive service stations including canopies, concrete pavements and rest rooms, together with their courteous services, exist generally in the Upper Provinces and are encouraged.

     The price of gasoline is too high in Nova Scotia.

Oct. 15, 1935Henry Brown Takes First

     The fiddlers and dancing contest which was held, under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. lodge, in their hall Monday evening turned out to be a big success. The prizes awarded for the fiddling contest went to: first Henry Brown, South Brook; second Fred Noiles, Springhill; third Sammy Bennett, Springhill.  The dancing prizes were as follows: first Joe Paul, Maccan; second Eddie Melanson, Springhill Junction; third Mrs. Edgar Hibberts, Springhill.

     For the children’s dancing there was just one contestant.  Miss Marion Moran, nine year old Springhill girl, was awarded the only prize in this dance.  Miss Betty Smith appeared on the program also in clever fancy dancing.

     The judges were: Dancing, Daniel Matheson and Daniel Gillis Sr.; for fiddling, John H. Livingston and Dan Matheson.