The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 26, 2007

Sept. 26, 2007 – Civic Report 1912

In 1912 it was decided where the drinking fountains would be placed – one on Main Street across from the Post Office and the second one could be put near Jewke’s Store on the Herrett Road with the hope that the residents in that area would help to pay the cost.

There were 1445 pupils enrolled in the public schools in Springhill with 1311 attending for the month of February. Mr. Richmond was the acting truant officer and the daily average of attendance was 1035.9. The Chairman of the School Board, A.L. Somers, thought a better way to get children to school would be for the parents to take more interest in seeing that the children attend regularly. There were 23 teachers in Springhill in 1912 and it was thought that one more would have to be added for the next term to relieve the crowding of Grade 1 classes. With the loss of Mr. Morehouse as Principal, Mr. McCleave became the new Principal. The cost to every ratepayer of the Town, for every child attending the full term of the school year, was $9.24. The average cost per pupil for the same period for whole province was $21.70.

The purchase of a team of horses was a profitable one for the Town. They were kept constantly at employment.

It was suggested that, since the water rates are collected in advance by two half yearly installments by the most of the Province, Springhill do the same. As the debentures fall due on 6 th April and 6 th October that would be a good time to collect the water rates.

The general health of the community was fairly good for the year. There was very little typhoid fever with one death, a number of cases of scarlet fever of the mild type and a few cases of diphtheria.

There were six calls to fires for the year. On Mar.9th a store occupied by McCarthy Bros with damage of $50; in Feb. a call to Victoria Street but the building was outside town limits; May 15 th Charles Lees house with no damage to report; May 28 th a false alarm; May 28 th Anthony Johnson’s house on Church Street damage $5.00; and on Nov. 7 th J.S. McDonald’s Store with damage of $30.00.

The Children’s Aid Society of Springhill, Incorporated October 24, 1912 under the “Children’s Protection Act” with the Provisional Officers: Rev. D.A. Steele, Amherst, Hon. President, Mrs. Rev. W.C. Wilson, Patroness, A.A. McKinnon President, Daniel Murray Vice President, Daniel McLeod Secretary Treasurer, R. L. Murray Medical Advisor, H.S. Purdy Amherst Solicitor.

Associate Members: D.A. Paton, Merchant, Oxford ; Daniel Rogers, Merchant; C.R. Hannah, Merchant; John McPherson, miner, Windham Hill; Frederick Schurman, lumberman; Seldon Hunter, merchant; F.S. Heffernan, agent; Eilhu McAloney, agent; A.H. Alloway, architect; Dougald Carrigan, merchant; H.W. Shenton, merchant; Michael McPherson, merchant; Mrs. Bessie Egan, Halifax; Mrs. David S. Price; Mrs. M. McPherson; Mrs. Lucinda McLaughlan; Mrs. Margaret E. McDonald; Mrs. M. Jones; Mrs. Ada Soley; Mrs. A.M. Hunter; Mrs. Harris Hunter; Mrs. J.E. Simpson; Mrs. Annie Burgone; Mrs. J.S. McDonald.

Superintendent was E.H. Blois, Technical College , Halifax .

After the elections of 1912 E.A. Potter was replaced by John Murray as Mayor. Deputy Mayor was George Hopkins. Councillors for Ward 1 were: Calvin N. Ward and Hibbert Mills. Ward 2 had John W. Wilson and George Hopkins as Councillors and Ward 3 had Alex Embree and Roach McKay.

Daniel McLeod was still the Town Clerk and Treasurer and Miss Annie McPherson was his assistant.

Chief of Police was G.L. Smith with assistants Samuel Richmond and Jugurtha Hatherley.

Principal of Public Schools was R.D. McCleave, Assistant Miss Beatrice Watt; Vice Principals were Miss Isabell Chandler and Miss Edna Harrison.