The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 26th, 2016

Oct. 4, 1945Springhill RecordMeat Back On Counters

     After a meatless week citizens of Springhill will realize just what the people of Britain have been going through for the past six years.  At a meeting of the dealers Monday it was decided to re-open meat sales and meat was again on the counters Tuesday morning. 

     Discussing the situation Monday evening the dealers felt that Cumberland County could have little effect in swaying the Wartimes Prices and Trade Board’s decision to put meat rationing into effect once more.  Since that time – Mr. Donald Gordon, head of the Board has made it clear that while the Board is prepared to discuss the mechanics of meat rationing nothing will sway its decision to continue rationing in an effort to meet the Government’s commitment abroad. 

     Miners in the West have quit work altogether in an effort to have some further items of meat taken off the list.  They contend they can not carry on their hard work on the ration now allotted.  In Springhill, the miners have sent a resolution to Ottawa asking the government to ease restrictions.  Cold meats and certain canned meats which the miners use to make up their mid-day lunches are impossible to obtain unless they want to come home to a meatless dinner.  This matter will probably be aired further at the miner’s regular meeting Saturday evening.

R.W. Murdock Visits Home Town

     Old timers will remember Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murdock who left Springhill in 1898 to take part in the gold rush in the Yukon. Mr. Murdock never did fulfill his intention when he left Springhill, but he did settle in Vancouver and later with his old love for mining, he moved to Nanaimo where he spent many years with his family and finally moved to Victoria where they now make their home.  Mr. Murdock is 78 years of age, is well and still employed with Crane Limited in Victoria. 

     But it was not Mr. Murdock who paid a brief visit to the Record Office Saturday afternoon, but his son R.W. Murdock, who with Mrs. Murdock arrived Saturday for a brief visit to Mr. Murdock’s old home town.  R.W. Murdock is Victoria Manager of Crane Limited and is rounding out some forty years with that company.  He is about to retire. 

     We Cannot say that Mr. Murdock was particularly impressed with the appearance of his old home town.  He was only eight or nine years old when his parents decided to move west and he was not too clear in what the town looked like in those days.  He was a little critical of the lack of business establishments and felt that a town of this size in the west would look more progressive than Springhill.

Was at Launching

     Mr. Murdock told The Record that he had attended the launching of H.M.C.S. “Springhill” at the Yarrow Yard in Victoria.  Prior to the launching he and Dr. Sutherland were so wrapped up in a discussion of the old home town that they strayed away from the launching area and delayed the actual launching for some twenty minutes before they were found much to the dismay of Mr. Yarrow who liked launchings to take place right on time. 

Operated Rink

     Speaking about the early days when they lived here, Mr. Murdock told of the rink his father operated on Wolsey Street for 12 to 14 years.  He recalled that around 1883 they skated on natural ice on May 24th.  His father, R.W. Murdock, also worked in the mine and was riding a rake to the surface when the great explosion of 1891 took place claiming the lives of 125 workmen.  Mr. Murdock escaped uninjured.  He said his father also worked in what was then called the “old Klondyke”, so called because they made so little money.  In fact, after buying nut coal at 68 cents per ton, for his rink, he said his father often found himself in debt. To the Company at the end of the month.

Five Children in Family

     There were five children in the Murdock FamilyElizabeth, Robert, Margaret, Walter and John.  Walter died at Nanaimo, but another Walter took his place.

Met Captain Alfred Rogers

     During the conversation Mr. Murdock told your reporter of his close friendship with Captain Alfred Rogers of Springhill, who spent much time in the Far East.  Captain Rogers was now stationed in Vernon, B.C., but close touch with him and many a good talk they had of the old home town.

Touring States and Canada

     Touching on his trip, Mr. Murdock told the Record that he and Mrs. Murdock, were touring the Southern States and parts of Canada on an extended holiday.  They planned on a brief visit to the Annapolis Valley before proceeding to New York where Mr. Murdock would take the plane for Victoria and Mrs. Murdock would go to Florida for a few months.


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