The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 26, 2011

What Springhill Accomplished During the Past Year

Oct. 29, 1931 – Springhill Record

In our second anniversary addition issue of Oct. 31st, 1930, we published a list of Springhill’s needs.  We repeat it today.  It is with a feeling of deep satisfaction that even if we have not seen great accomplishment and we are yet moving and what is better still, are “travelling hopefully”.  The list which is checked briefly follows:

Springhill Needs – To be on the main line of the railway.  Our position, with regard to the main line is, and has been, our greatest impediment to progress.  Naturally the position of the coal bed and immense plant determines our location.  We cannot go to the railroad.  The railroad must come to us and we must find a way of proving that it would be worthwhile.  With improved transportation facilities we could offer exceptional opportunities to manufacturers.  Additional industries would inspire greater confidence, and our town would grow even faster than it is doing today.  When one reads of a sum like $300,000 being spent on Subways, and the Government of the country paying the big end of the cost, we feel that the economic saving to our seven or eight thousand people and the greater opportunities that such an opportunity would offer the town gives us proper cause to press our claim and urge in the matter of relieving unemployment the building such a railroad would be a sounder investment than many that are being carried on today.

NOTE – Fulfillment of our need and desire for a position on the main line of the railway seems destined to remain for the present, at least, out of reach.  The lack has been partially offset by the passing through Springhill of the Transcontinental Highway, a matter of great satisfaction as in this respect our town will no longer be considered by the outside world as a place “four miles back in the woods” as it has been described by people unacquainted with our standing as a Nova Scotia town.  From the increased number of through traffic tourists out town and its position are already becoming better known.  Thus change will no doubt prove to be of inestimable value and productive of benefits yet unseen and unnumbered.

Springhill Needs – A number of model houses for rentals.  This would seem to provide a good business venture.  Neat houses with bath and sewer connections would bring good returns.  This is a real need in a growing town.

NOTE – As an indication of progress, more building by private homeowners has been carried out during the past year than has been done in the previous decade.  The need for model houses for rental still holds.

Springhill Needs – Increased Hotel accommodations.  With approximately 400 cars passing Amherst during the tourist season we should be able to adequately serve all travelers passing through or breaking their journey at Springhill offering and inducement even, to have them do so.

NOTE – The matter of limited Hotel accommodations remains unchanged.  The need of up-to-date accommodation is urgent not only for the entertainment of the travelling public but also for the convenience of visiting athletic teams if Springhill is to enjoy fair competitive sports.  The advantages of a superior diamond will be discounted if our visitors must be entertained in Amherst.  This was brought forcibly to our attention while arrangements were under way for the recent track meet.

     It has been suggested that Rogers’ Corner, although small, if for sale would nevertheless be an ideal site, situated as it is, on Main Street and opposite the Athletic field.  Enterprise and capital in this line would surly meet with adequate returns.

Springhill Needs – for its young people a properly constructed toboggan slide.  Many years ago, during the playtime years of Springhill it was contemplated; but following the explosion and subsequent years of depression the impulse was lost.  Any number of suitable places could doubtless be found.  It would provide a healthful, exhilarating and enjoyable sport which the youngsters could enjoy without endangering the lives of others.

NOTE – The need of a winter playground for Springhill young people other than the streets and sidewalks of the town still merits attention.

Further, a new need is becoming apparent.  It is felt by many that, with all honor due the present horse-drawn ambulance which has given such splendid service, the time has now come when a motor-ambulance would better serve the needs of the community.  The ambulance in present use was purchased many years ago by the Miner’s Union, “the men” by subscription; the company generously co-operating by providing a horse and driver.  The needs of the general public would now be better served, perhaps, by a motor ambulance attached to the Hospital.  A public subscription for such a vehicle and presentation to the Hospital has been suggested.