The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

April 26, 2006

April 26, 2006 – Baptist Church and Others

United Baptist Church

On Sept. 27, 1883 , after a meeting of several Baptist representatives, it was decided to organize into a Regular Baptist Church . The inaugural service was preached by Rev. Mr. Steele and prayer was offered by Rev. David McKeen. The charge was given by Rev. Mr. MacDonald.

At first the services were held in private homes and then in Hall’s Hall. Then they decided to buy the “ Maple Grove ” Church from the Presbyterians for $1500. The Baptist borrowed this amount from Sir Charles Tupper. When they moved into the Church there were 22 members. In 1886 under the Rev. Joseph Murray the church had 76 members.

In 1890 the Baptist received a grant of land from the Springhill Mining Company on which they built a parsonage. This was situated at the corner of MaGee St and McDougall St . This served as the parsonage until 1968 when it was sold and they bought the house of A.H. McLeod on the corner of McGee St. & MacFarlane St.

Rev. Murray left in 1889 and they were without a Pastor until 1890 when Rev. H.B. Smith came to Springhill.

In 1902 the church was renovated and a vestry was added. Then in 1923 Deacon Rogers gave a gift of the Roger Annex and in November of that year the Church was re-dedicated.

Fire destroyed the roof on the south side of the church in 1934.

Some of the Organizations formed by the members of the Baptist Church are the Women’s Missionary Aid Society formed around 1889; the B.Y.P.U. in 1892; The Baptist Ladies Social Circle and the Young Girl’s Social Circle in 1896.

In 1943 as the Baptist celebrated its 60 th Anniversary the church was renovated and an electric organ installed.

On Christmas Night in 1970, fire completely destroyed the church. The following week the service was held in the Miners’ Hall and plans were discussed to rebuild the church. The first of the stained glass windows, for the new church, were placed by the descendants of five of the founding members – Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Purdy, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hunter and Mrs. John T. Paul. Other windows were in honor of Charles Embree, Mr. & Mrs. Warren Rushton, Mrs. Connie Dethy, Fred and Frances Schurman and Blanche Allbon.

St. David’s Presbyterian Church

With the union of the United Methodist and Presbyterian Church in 1925 there were some who were against the union and they left the Wesley Presbyterian Church and formed their own Church. This became the St. David’s Presbyterian Church. At first they held services in the Parish Hall. In 1929 the church designed by Leslie R. Fairn was built in the Tudor Revival Style.

The first Minister was Rev. Andrew Brown, M.A.

In the early 1990’s a stained glass window on the north side was donated in honor of the Anderson ’s who were early settlers of Springhill.

The St. David’s Church is still in use today.

Salvation Army

The Springhill Salvation Army was first organized in 1886 by Captain and Mrs. Armstrong and Captain Dale. The meetings were first held in the Pioneer Hall with the Citadel being built in 1895. On July 18, 1895 the “Kings Own Band” of the Salvation came to town and stayed for three days. When the first citadel got too small for the members a new one was built in 1918. This Citadel burned in 1975 and has since been rebuilt. Over the years the Salvation has contributed much to the Town of Springhill . The Springhill Salvation Army is currently under the services of Major Max Snow.

Jehovah Witness

Jehovah Witness started to meet in Springhill after the First World War. At first the meetings were held in different homes and later rented a room in the Y.M.C.A. In 1955 they purchased land on upper Main St and built the Kingdom Hall.