The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Oct. 25, 2006

Oct. 25, 2006 – Rates Charged and Fire Signals

Rates allowed to be charged by licensed truckmen in the Town of Springhill in 1908.

Apples per car load per barrel - .05; Apples per load - .22; per single barrel - .10;

Ashes from works per load - .25; ashes to dump - .40; Brick per car load – 3.50; Brick per load - .25; Coal per load – .25; Flour per car – 3.00; Flour per load - .25; Furniture from station to stores per load - .35; Goods from station to stores.25; Hay, pressed per load - .25; Laths per car load – 3.00; Laths per load - .25; Lime per load - .25; Lumber per 1000 ft. - .40; Lumber per load under 500 ft. - .35; Lumber per car load – 3.50; Manure per cart load - .25; Molasses per puncheon - .35; Moving household effects per load - .50; Oats in bulk or in bags or barrels per car load - .4.00; oil per barrel - .07; organs each - .50; Pianos (without help) each - .2.00; Pianos (with help) each 1.00; Shingles per load - .40; Stones (red) from slopes - .35; Stoves each - .25; Stoves per load - .30; Travelling troupes both ways – 4.00; Trunks to or from station 1 only - .15; Trunks to or from station 2 or more per load - .25; wood per cord - .50; Goods and Chattels not mentioned in the above list, per load not exceeding 1000 pounds - .25; Goods per load over 1000 pounds - .40; Above rates are for all distances within corporation limits not exceeding one mile. For distances greater than one mile, within corporation limits 25 percent additional may be charged.

Code of Signals for Fire Alarm for the Town of Springhill, N.S. Including Works of the Cumberland Railway & Coal Co., Ltd. 1908

Sirens only to be blown for this purpose. No preliminary signal. Number of fire alarm to be given at once.

Signals for Ward 1

Aberdeen Mines (C.R. &C.Co.) No. 13 thus 1 long 3 short

General Offices of (CR&CCo) No. 14 thus 1 long 4 short

Lamp Station of (C.R. & C.Co.) N0. 15 thus 1 long 5 short

Post Office No. 16 thus 1 long 6 short

Parish House No. 17 thus 1 long 7 short

Signal for Ward 2

The Monument No. 23 thus 2 long 3 short

Roman Catholic Chapel No. 24 thus 2 long 4 short

Corner Drummond & Elm Sts. No. 25 thus 2 long 5 short

Corner Church & Russell Sts. No. 26 thus 2 long 6 short

Signals for Ward 3

D. Rogers residence McGee St . No. 32 thus 3 long 2 short

Public School cor. Herrett Rd

And McGee St . No. 34 thus 3 long 4 short

William Reese No. 35 thus 3 long 5 short

Charles Nelson (Syndicate) No. 36 thus 3 long 6 short

Repeat foregoing signals three times, and after one minute interval, blow another round 4 times. If assistance of C.R.&C.Co’s fire department is needed, when fire not on company works, than five (5) sharp blast of the siren, followed after ten seconds’ duration of like number, repeated four times, will call them to towns assistance. This signal must be used only upon the request of the Mayor or a fireward.

Fire Out: four short blast of the siren, repeated twice. For daily test – one short blast at 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Fire Alarm Telephone Service Signals: Lamp Station – 1 long; Town Hall – 2 shorts; A.L. Somers – 3 shorts; O.D. Schurman – 4 shorts; Andrew Paul – 5 shorts; Mrs. Pugh – 1 long, 1 short; E.A. Potter – 1 long 2 shorts; Irvin E. Weatherbee – 1 long, 3 shorts; Donald Fraser – 1 short, 1 long; Charles E. Nelson – 2 shorts, 1 long; George Pepperdine – 1 long, 1 short, 1 long; John Barlow – 1 short, 1 long, 1 short.

Always take down receiver after calling. Do not acknowledge your call by short ring, simply take down receiver. Ring off when done talking. If line in use, do not listen or ring and so cause line to be dull and hard to converse over. Keep children off the line. Report any line or instrument trouble promptly to Chief of Police.