The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

June 25th, 2014

Sept. 28, 1939Springhill RecordNo Water For Cowan Street?

     The Town Council met in regular session Tuesday evening with Councillor Roach McKay in the chair and Councillors Rector, McPherson and Nelson present.  A.W. Davidson, the Mayor, and Councillors Noiles and Russell were absent. The clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting which were approved. 

     Councillor McPherson moved that the appointment of Robert Carter as assessor be rescinded, said appointment being contrary to the constitution.  Councillor Rector seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 

     The Clerk read a notification from the Victoria General Hospital which said that a lady giving her residence as Springhill and her birthplace as New Germany had been admitted to that institution, said lady being unable to assume payment of the hospital bills.  The Clerk had made inquiries, found that the person in question was unknown here and had written disputing the claim.

     The report of Mrs. Nellie Moore, Poor Supervisor, was read, as from July 28 to Sept. 22.  In that time food bills had amounted to $1522.68 and clothing expenses to $43.99.  54 tons of coal had been delivered and 28 tons stored.  Councillors Nelson and Rector moved the acceptance of this report which passed.

     An application was read from Jas. O. Fairbanks, LLB, applying for the position as town solicitor.  Councillors Rector and McPherson moved that a committee of two be appointed to interview Mr. Fairbanks and Councillors Rector and McKay were delegated for that committee.

     Under new business the Cowans St. water project was again brought up.  Councillor McKay commented that the Mayor the report to R.H. McKay, Deputy Minister of Labor, asking that this water line be installed as a Government project.  Councillor Rector confirmed this, adding, “It looks like Cowans St. isn’t going to get any water this year”.

Councillor McKay admitted “It is unfortunate the Mayor acts this way but business must go on.  This is the second meeting he has missed.  Something must be done.”  “It’s too bad” Rector agreed “but our hands are tied.  The Government has turned us down because the Mayor wrote letters forbidding the project.  The only thing to do now is to get the Mayor off the water committee and then bear the full cost of the project ourselves.”  The other Councillors agreed that this was the only feasible plan but decided they would have to wait until a full council was present.

     The accounts were signed and ordered paid and Council dismissed on motions from Councillors Nelson and Rector.

Oct. 26, 1939Celebrates His First Anniversary

     Mr. Charlie Murray is this week celebrating the first anniversary of his “Men’s Wear” shop.  In this issue on page two Mr. Murray is carrying a large advertisement containing many interesting announcements for the men, to which we would direct your attention.  While businessmen regard 1939 as one of the most difficult business years they have ever experienced, Mr. Murray has through his keen insight of men’s needs, improved his position and widened his stock selection.  He takes a great deal of pride in his store window and sets a very high example for other stores.  Along with a host of other friends we take this opportunity in wishing Charlie continued success as he enters another year.

Hurt in Mines

    Cedric Welton former pitching star with the Springhill Fencebusters of 1927 and the Iron Dukes Intermediates, lies in All Saints Hospital suffering from serious injuries following an accident in No. 2 mine last Thursday.  While about his work he was struck on his back by a fall of stone.  Removed to All Saints Hospital it was found on examination that his spine had been crushed and four ribs broken.  Miraculously the spinal cord had not been injured.  His body has been placed in a cast and it is now a matter of rest and patience.  He is not too comfortable as yet and is in considerable pain, but otherwise his condition is satisfactory.  He will be in the hospital for some time.  There is general regret over his injuries and a host of friends will wish him a good and complete recovery.

Accused of Speeding

     Back in 1916 the Chief of Police was pretty active in keeping down automobile speeding as will be seen in the following letter written by Magistrate John M. Hunter to a resident who has since passed away.  But read the letter for yourself.


  2. Springhill Sept. 8, 1916

  3. Dear Sir:

  4.      The Chief of Police has complained to me that you are in the habit of driving your automobile at a faster rate than 8 miles an hour in the Town of Springhill, contrary to the by-laws of the Town. 

  5.      If this occurs again proceeding will be taken against you as the law directs.

  6.           Yours very truly,

  7.            John M. Hunter