The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 25th, 2013

July 15, 1937Springhill RecordMiraculous Escape in Car Accident

     Two sons of John Rolfe had a miraculous escape from serious injury last Saturday evening when the car in which they were driving plunged over the side of the road near Withrow’s Fox Farm at Leamington and rolled down a steep embankment, turning over and over until it came to rest in the alders far down the slope.  When the car stopped, it was impossible to distinguish it from the road with a 5-cell flashlight, bystanders said.   The car was completely demolished but the boys were unhurt, save for a few scratches and a general shaking up.

     The youngster at the wheel said the accident happened when he attempted to shift gears for the small hill ahead.  Learning to drive, he must have twisted the steering wheel at the same time, and the front wheel went through the light fence that lined the road at this spot, just far enough to turn the car over and send it on its mad roll down the hill.

Car and Bicycle Crash; Two Hurt

    The injury of two boys last Thursday evening emphasized sharply the danger of handle bar riding by cyclist.

     The accident occurred at James Wilson’s home on Magee St.  The boys, Allan Maine Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Maine and Reginald Osmond, 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Osmond, were said by witnesses to be going west on the roadway (and not on the sidewalk as previously reported), at a fast rate of speed, Reginald driving, and failed to notice a car driven by Mrs. Harry Warren, turning in at the street at Wilson’s home, after giving the signal.  The bicycle crashed into the side of the car, flinging the boys violently against it, and breaking the glass. 

     Badly cut about the face and arms the boys were rushed to All Saints Hospital by Mrs. H.N. Soley assisted by Jim Ryan, where they were attended by Dr. Withrow.  Reginald, although badly cut, was able to return home, but Allan is still in hospital.  Four cuts in his face required stitches.  Both boys are now improving.

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     Furthermore, folks are in fear also of accidents at the upper end of the Junction Road.  Cars turning in from Main Street, often take a short turn at the lower corner instead of taking the wide safe curve to the upper corner … boys doing stunt riding all over the road provide all the elements for a tragedy.

July 22, 1937Second Fatal Accident on 2000 Wall

     Dougall Maine, well known miner of this town, died shortly before noon today from injuries received in No. 4 mine this morning, when he was caught against a pack by a fall of stone from the roof.  Both legs broken, one arm broken, skull fractured and ribs crushed, little hope had been held for the injured man when he was rushed to the hospital this morning at nine o’clock.

     Maine had been employed working in the 2000 wall, when he was caught by a tremendous stone that struck him down and pinned him against the pack.  Workmen who rushed to his assistance, among them Jim Rushton and Dan Foster, were unable to extricate him until they had broken the huge rock into small pieced.  The accident marked the second time Rushton had been called to give assistance at this wall within a short time.

Line off Main Street

     Chief Wm. Mont, special traffic officer, had the Main Street marked off for parking last week, effecting a considerable improvement.  Not only is there more room for cars, but the general appearance of the street is improving also.  The Chief also had a centre line painted on the Main-McDougall St. curve, where the general practice has been to cut that corner rather sharply.

Aug. 26, 1937 Working On the Bandstand

     Work commenced Wednesday on the new bandstand at the corner of Main and Lisgar Streets.  The contract for the stand has been let to Mr. A.B. Smith, a member of the Canadian LegionSuperintendent McLeod has given permission for moving the high fence back as far as is necessary to make the corner attractive.  Besides building the stand, Mr. Smith’s contract calls for grading the ground around the stand.  When the work is completed this corner should be as attractive as the corner of Junction Road and Main St.