The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Januar 25th, 2012

Awards won by Bertha Scott

Springhill Record – Mar. 28, 1930 – Third McCurdy Prize Won by Miss Scott

     Last week the Record was pleased to carry the news that Miss Bertha Scott had been awarded the McCurdy first prize for an essay on “The Coal Mines of Cumberland County.”  This week we present for our readers a brief history of the other prizes awarded this brilliant historian, of whom Springhill is justly proud.

     In 1925 the Maritime Library Association offered through the generosity of Sir Frederick William-Taylor and Hon. F.B. McCurdy a number of prizes for historical essays “to stimulate local research, to recover and preserve the facts and traditions relating to the early settlement of the country.

     Among the nine awards for Nova Scotia the essay on “Springhill” written by B. Scott was given second place ($32.00) following Dr. Jost on “Canso”, the original MSS becoming the property of Acadia University.  Through the courtesy of Dr. Milner, President of the Association, the Springhill Essay was released to be revised, enlarged and published by Miss Scott as “Springhill – a Hilltop in Cumberland” the first attempt of anyone to give a full account of the early history and development of the mining town – also the first volume of the essays to appear in print.  The Association has now about 60 essays all valuable, which when published will be an important contribution to the history of the province.

     Of the seven prizes awarded in 1928 for original research work into the lives of the Loyalists settlers and the first immigrants into the Maritime Provinces two of the McCurdy prizes came to Cumberland County: Gold Medal, “Parrsboro” (the highest prize for the province), 4th (($25.00 gold) “Thomas Lumley” by Will R. Bird.

     The prizes were presented to the winners, in absentia, at an informal gathering held in the House of Assembly Chamber, Province House, a building presided over by Premier Rhodes.  He stated that Nova Scotia in a veritable gold mine of history and that if it were not for the work done by the Library Association much of that historic wealth would be lost.  The prizes were mailed from the Premier’s office with a congratulatory message.

     Of the latest prizes offered by the Association two were for the “History of Coal Mines of Cumberland County”.  A number of essays were submitted and that of Miss Scott was chosen for 1st (25.00) (no second prize being awarded).  The prize was presented by Lieut. Governor Tory at Government House, Mr. McCurdy being again the donor, showing his generous interest in the history of the province, being the third McCurdy prize won by Miss Scott.

     Dr. Milner, President of the Association, who as a youth, was present when the first coal seam was opened in Springhill, and who has a wide knowledge of the coal fields, and a deep interest in the early settlements, has had charge of the work of assigning subjects and recommending essays for prizes.  He has been indefatigable in his work for the Association, the real object of which in the establishment of municipal libraries, and he is the moving spirit in enlisting government, community and individual interest in its aims.

     He never forgets the too large proportion of pupils who leave school too early; and his work, which is often disheartening through lack of response, is yet of incalculable value, for he is laying a foundation upon which others will build and thus bring our province into line in work of this nature.

May 2, 1930 Opera House Changes Name

     Yes, folks, we have changed our name from “The Opera House” to “The Capital Theatre”.  We appreciate the many comments of our friends on the latest addition to our entrance “Canopy”, also the evident satisfaction at the change in title!  The Capital is always in the lead, everything best in the entertainment for the people of Springhill and vicinity.  Our motto has been and always will be “the best is none too good” for our patrons, and we feel confident that the small investment you make in our theatre when you pay your admission will bring you joyful returns on your money in entertainment showing as we do in talking-singing- dancing motion pictures that are being reproduced.

A.J. Mason, Mgr.