The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 24th, 2014

Sept. 5, 1940Springhill RecordPainfully Injured in Car Accident

     An accident which might have been avoided occurred on Junction Road, Monday evening.  Two girls starting to hitch-hike to Amherst, were proceeding along on the right side of the road, walking with the traffic, instead of facing it.  James Terris, driving a car in the same direction, meeting a car and temporary blinded by its lights, failed to see the girls, but was shocked to feel an impact, when one of the girls, Mae Jackson, a daughter of William Jackson, was struck.

     The injured girl was taken to her home where she was attended by Dr. Simpson.  She lost several teeth and suffered multiple bruises.

     It cannot be denied that the Junction Road, which is an exceptionally fine piece of highway, is recognized as a dangerous spot.  A recent visitor in town said, “Coming up Junction Road is a nerve racking experience.”  There should be some way of impressing upon people the facts that walking on the highway and allowing children to play upon it are dangerous practices.  It is not a question of “rights” but purely one of safety.  The road has a sharp incline and cars are geared to greater speed than formerly, so that even a most careful driver is at a disadvantage.  In spite of the warnings of several fatalities and painfully injured persons, accidents continue to occur. The question remains, “Can anything be done about it?”

Mine Accidents

     Two men were injured yesterday in No. 2 mineRobert McLeod was taking top coal, when it began to fall.  He was struck in the chest and was painfully injured.  He is having x-rays today, so that the extent of his injuries is not yet known.

     Alfred C. Fullerton had his foot injured as coal fell on it while he was working.  While painful the injury is not serious.

Women Injured

     A slight collision involving a car and a truck, driven by Percy Johnson of Saint John, occurred between the Junction and Town, Sunday afternoon.  The truck was jarred from its position and went off the shoulder of the road, straddling the ditch.  The occupants, all people from Saint John, were somewhat shaken up, and three women, Mrs. Maud Johnson, Beatrice Dickson and Kathleen Lucas received minor injuries which were treated at All Saints Hospital.  It is fortunate that the accident was not of a more serious nature.

Sept. 12, 1940Silver Parade Sat. Sept. 14th

     Saturday, Sept. 14th from one o’clock to nine o’clock Main Street will be a busy place; with people bringing their contributions of silver coins and nickels to the Silver Parade.

    White strips, on which the coins will be placed, will be laid down at sections of the street.  Members of the Committee will be on the street to assist and Chief of Police Buchanan will also be present to see there is no interference with traffic. 

     The parade will be localized on Main Street, so come down town to help in this worthy effort.  No dollar bills will be thrown away if you prefer to give them in place of silver.  All contributions will be most acceptable, and all proceeds will be divided between the I.O.D.E. and the Red Cross to go towards their respective funds. 

     Help the Silver Gleam Grow!

History Repeats

     The Halifax Herald Column – “Nova Scotia in The War – Twenty-Five Years Ago” – carries an interesting item under the date of August 27, 1915.

     “Up to today the County of Cumberland has raised nine hundred men for Canada’s armed forces. Twenty-one enlisted from the county this week for overseas service and twelve signed up for home defense. The largest proportion of men enlisted from the towns of Springhill, River Hebert, Joggins and Amherst, but every section of the county has furnished men who are now serving at the front.”

     The new generation and many of the veterans of the First Great War are just as eager today to enlist and make their contribution to a just cause.  If any should doubt the rightness and the necessity of this, we might offer for their consideration, this summary of German attacks on civilization –

  1. 1864 Germany invaded Denmark

  2. 1866 Germany invaded Austria

  3. 1870 Germany invaded France

  4. 1914 Germany invaded Belgium and France

  5. 1938 Germany invaded Austria

  6. 1939 Germany invaded Czechoslovakia

  7. 1939 Germany invaded Poland

  8. 1939 Germany’s Allies invaded Finland

  9. 1940 Germany invaded Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, France – invades Britain, the last fortress of democracy in Europe - while Axis partners dismembered Romania