The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 24th, 2012

May 23, 1935Springhill RecordFiremen are Presented With Long Service Medals

     Six members of the Springhill Fire Department received medals for 20 years service and over as firemen, at a banquet held in the Carleton Hotel, Friday evening for members and their wives, with Mayor W.H. Murray and Mrs. Murray as guest.

     The members receiving medals were: Chief L.H. Rooney, Ex-Chief O.C. Layton, Senior Member George MacPherson, Jack Cummingham, Tupper MacKenzie and Fred Coulter.  Mayor Murray presided and presented the medals, which are handsome in design and bear on the face a design of crossed axe and nozzle, with a fireman’s helmet, the medal being suspended from a scarlet ribbon.  Of these long service members George MacPherson ranked as senior with 35 years to his credit, Ex-Chief Layton with 30 years, Chief Rooney, and members Cunningham, MacKenzie and Coulter with 25 years and over.  Tribute was paid to the faithful work and efficiency of the members in a short speech by the Mayor, and Chief Rooney expressed appreciation and thanks for himself and the members so honoured.  The Company was favoured with a solo and encore by Mr. W.C. Wilson, and humorous readings by ex-chief Layton.  Over 40 enjoyed the bountiful and well-served dinner, and a very pleasant time was spent.

Accident Victims

     John Brown (Junction Road) miner in No. 2 had his head badly injured when he was struck by a hoist.  He was taken to his home but his injuries were such that he was immediately removed to All Saints Hospital, where he is now making favourable progress.

     Harold, two year old son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Spence, Junction Road, was badly scalded by boiling water on Monday afternoon.  The accident occurred when the little tot’s father was taking a boiler of hot water of the stove to pour into a tub on a chair.  While he was pouring the water the tub upset off the chair and the boiling water spilled over Harold, who was sitting on the floor nearby.  His arms, legs and body are badly scalded.

     Dr. Walsh was called and gave medical attention.  The little fellow is not suffering quite so much today.

     John Barrett had a narrow escape from death at an early hour Sunday when he fell off a fast freight on the way to Halifax.  It is understood that he fell between two box cars and was thrown an embankment, receiving terrible injury to his head and face, involving his left eye, both arms being broken also.  He was picked up by trainmen and taken to Oxford Junction where he received medical attention, after which he was brought to All Saints Hospital, which reports, as we go to press, that he is resting very well today.

June 20, 1935Springhill RecordBurn Coal and Keep Mines Idle

     The new oil burning ferry is back on the Prince Edward Island run and that means the loss of a big coal market for Springhill.  The old boat used coal and offered a market for some 20,000 tons of coal per year.  The oil burner which is back on the run after a few months lay off means the loss of thousands of dollars per month to the Springhill workmen. 

     Springhill has protested again and again the use of this oil burning ferry.  It may be nice for the tourist, but a little more consideration for the workmen of the province would assist in the relieving the tense situation around the mines during the summer. 

     On top of this we probably import the oil to run the new type of boat.  And then we pay relief to the miners who are kept out of employment by the use of oil for fuel.  How interdependent we are – and how stupid.

Sept. 19, 1935Has Close Call

     Bob Crossman, local miner, had a narrow escape from death when he was overcome with smoke as he was endeavouring to save articles of clothing and furniture from his blazing home on Mountain Road last Saturday evening.  Fire, starting from an unknown source, raced through the building with such speed that Mr. Crossman was caught in the upstairs hall and collapsed for a few seconds.  The cool air near the floor brought him back to consciousness enough to feel his way to the stairway down which he tumbled and he was able to get out into the open air.  The fire in the meantime was steadily making progress through the entire building which houses two families, that of Mr. Crossman and “Nap” Arseneault.  Some parts of Mr. Crossman’s possessions were saved but every article of Mr. Arseneault furniture and clothing was lost.  Mr. and Mrs. Arseneault and family were in town at the time of the fire.  Of particular note is the irreparable loss also of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Penny, who were living with Arseneault’s, and who lost a large number of articles they had been accumulating, preparatory to starting housekeeping in the near future, also their greatly valued wedding presents.

     The building itself was owned by George Canning.