The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 24, 2006

May 24, 2006 – Record Mining Journal, 1927

Here are a few articles from the Record Mining Journal for February 23, 1927 .


Appeal Court Met

The assessment appeal court convened yesterday in the town council chambers to hear about thirty cases of appeal from assessment. There were eighteen appeals from ratepayers asking relief from excessive or improper assessment and the appeals made by the town were principally to strike off the assessments of persons who had removed from town and are not liable for assessment in 1927.

Applications for increase by the Town were granted by the court as follows: Personality: A.C. Spence, $50.00; Gordon Webb, $50; W.H. McDonald, $50; C.R. Price, $50; C.A. Atkinson, $50; Scott Anderson, $100.

Realty: Miss Anderson’s Strand Theatre, $400; Miss Atkinson estate, $400.

An addition of $375 was made to the Spence estate for realty.

Deductions on personal applications of the assessed were made as follows: Leadbetter, $200; J. Mills, $50; Mrs. Morse, $175.


Fresh Haddock 1 lb .15 Cents Fresh Smelts 1 lb .25

Fresh Mackerel ea .35 Fresh Herring ea .66

Fresh Fillets 1 lb .25

Smoked Fish

Smoked Salmon 1 lb .40 Smoked Hattie 1 lb .25

Smoked Fillets 1 lb .25 Kippered Mackeral 1 .08

Kipperine 1 lb .20

Salt Fish

Salt Shad 1 lb .25 Salt Herring ea .05

Salt Cod 1 lb .20


Look into this $2.75 a pair Women’s Black Kid Oxford’s EEE width, Cushion Sole with Rubber Heel at Spragues – The store with the stock.

Flossed Cod

If you are fond of fish patties or creamed cod, try a package of White Cap Flossed Cod. It is made with the finest salt cod, free from bones and finely shredded. To make fish patties it does not require previous cooking.

Fresh Fish – Haddock, Cod Fillets, Smelts

Cured Fish – Salt Herring, Salt Salmon, Salt Mackeral, Salt Cod

Finnan Haddie, Kippers - Beef, Pork



Drastic action for the collection of overdue taxes has been decided upon and warrants against a number of persons, including some of the so called “Rum Ring” is one of the means decided for securing prompt payment.

Certain members of the Council have disclaimed knowledge of interference with Nova Scotia Temperance Act Inspector J.S. Rushton in the performance of his duties. Would it not be well for those in authority to cause investigation?

A case in point would be to determine the reason the prosecutors against certain men, who were charged with drinking on a public street, in daylight were not proceeded with?

Plow Jumps Track

A snow plow attached to No. 1 train from Parrsboro to Springhill Junction on Monday jumped the track at South Brook and delayed the train about an hour and a half.

A special local train from Springhill to Springhill Junction was made up to make connections with the Ocean Limited going west. The Parrsboro express crew got the line clear and made the run to the Junction in time to make the same connection.

Father and Son Week - Special Services in St. David’s Church on Sunday Feb 27, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.. Banquet - Wednesday March 2 nd - Special Speaker – Rev. Finlay G MacIntosh, New Glasgow.