The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 23rd, 2013

Nov. 4, 1937 Springhill RecordDomestic Science to be Instituted in School System

     The School Board took a most important step at its regular meeting Tuesday evening.

That Domestic Science be instituted in grades 7, 8 and 9, with Miss Rhoda McLeod as teacher.

     The meeting was presided over by Chairman M.R. Anderson with Commissioners Bowden, Hopkins, Mason and Wilson in attendance.  It was one of the most important meetings of the Board held in a long time.

                                            The Domestic Science Class

With information from the Department of Technical Education that the school would receive a government grant of $500.00 to help defray expenses of a Domestic Science training and a very generous offer from Miss Rhoda McLeod to teach this year for a salary of $300.00 to prove the value of such classes, the Board went on record without a dissenting voice, as being in favour of commencing such training as part of the school course.

     Miss McLeod was present at the meeting and explained a few points that were not quite clear to the Board.

     Classes will be held in the building now used by the evening technical classes.  A survey of the children showed that there were 46 girls in Grade 0; 80 in Grade 8 and 91 in Grade 7, who would benefit from such instruction.

     The motion to start the classes as soon as possible was made by Commissioner A.J. Mason and was seconded by Commissioner A.B. Wilson.

                                                      Grade X11

     The application of the Town Council to the School Board, requesting that a Grade X11 be started, if possible, brought the remark from the Chair that the Board had canvassed the question before, and had no intention of asking for a Grade X11 at this time.

     Commissioner Mason said he had seconded the motion in Council asking the Board to start a Grade X11.  Since then he had discussed the matter with men, who he felt knew more about the question than he did, and he found that only about 5% of the pupils would benefit from such a grade.  He felt that a child with a Grade X11 education had no better chance to earn a living than a child with a Grade X1 education, unless he was going on to a higher seat of learning.  In discussing the matter with the President of one of our Universities recently, the latter had expressed the opinion that vocation training would benefit the greater number of pupils, rather than a Grade X11.  In view of the information he had received, he was no longer so strong for a Grade X11 as he had been.

     Commissioner Wilson suggested dropping question for the time being.

Nov. 25, 1937Clerks Organize

     As a result of an announcement of a local merchant, last week, stating that he would keep his business open on hours not designated by the early closing Town By-Law.

    Local retail clerks met immediately in the Miners Hall, Thursday evening and were organized for unity under the C.I.O. by Mr. Howard Tattrie, who addressed the meeting and emphasized the importance of such a step.

     The following Officers were elected: President Walter Scott; Secretary Harry Slater; Treasurer Mrs. Douglas LormierExecutiveMiss Christeen Moss; Miss Ruth Dewar; Mrs. Jean McKay, Harry McSavaney and Thomas McLean.

     It is hoped to have the entire County of Cumberland organized, to include Amherst, Oxford, Parrsboro, making Springhill the central organization.  There has been considerable interest and discussion in regard to the matter.

Storytelling Night

     The Springhill Heritage Group has a storytelling night once a month at the Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre at 7 p.m. Each month we invite someone to join us and discuss the history of the town or whatever subject the guest chooses. These storytelling nights are open to the public and there is no charge.  Our next storytelling will be on Oct. 29th with Mr. Ed Gilbert of Parrsboro as our guest speaker.  Ed has recently written a book on ghost stories so it is only fitting that, it being so close to Halloween, he be the guest.  So, if you are interested in ghost stories come join us on the 29th.