The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 23rd, 2011

Articles from 1943-1945

Oct. 28, 1943 – Springhill Record – At Least They Didn’t Lose It

     Mr. George Foster found in his mail the other day a card addressed to Miss Mary J. Foster, Springhill sent to her by her sister Mrs. Annie Redpath, postmarked May 11, 8 a.m., 1911 at Hartford, Conn.

     It arrived at the local post office Oct. 12, 1943, something over 32 years from the time it was posted.  Miss Foster was a resident of Springhill at the time living on the Junction Road, later she moved to Cape Breton where she passed away about two years ago.

Nov. 23, 1944 – On C.F.C.Y. Program

     Harold King who has been singing for the past five days over C.F.C.Y. with the Outport Program and with Don Messer accompanying him on occasion has returned home.  While on the Island Harold entertained the patients in the Sanitarium where he said everyone treated him great and would like him to come back again.

Nov. 30, 1944 – Town Pressing for Collections

     If you are indebted to the town for taxes and water rates do not be surprised to see either the Tax Collector or Superintendent Terris at your door almost any day now.

     An Intensive Collection Campaign is underway and include a general survey of tax delinquents and those owing water rates to the town.

     Superintendent Terris is armed with a list of unpaid water rates and the wrench and yesterday embarked on a personal canvas with instructions to collect the amount due or shut off the water service.

     It is understood that water rate collections are now on a par with last year and an effort is being made to show a decided improvement in the area.

     In order that the financial position of the town may be improved, officials point out it is necessary that those indebted to the town should make a decided effort to discharge their obligation at once.  If this is done, the officials feel that the financial results at the end of the year will be gratifying not only to the Council but to the citizens generally.

     It is said the list of current tax delinquents include many who are in a financial position to assist the town by paying their taxes without further delay.

     The Town Clerk told the Record today he will continue to press for tax payments and in many instances warrants have been issued and will continue to be issued for the collection of the amounts due the town.

Feb. 1, 1945 – Out of the Grocery Business after 57 Years.

     After 57 years John Wilson’s are going out of groceries “Dry Goods and Groceries” business established by the firm in the early days of the Town.  Apart from the Men’s Furnishing Dept which continues, the Ready-to-Wear Department has revolutionized the business.  Adjustments made from time to time have gradually eliminated the dry good shelves and reduced the grocery space to one quarter.  The firm will now concentrate on Ladies Ready-To-Wear.  The regular office will be converted to fitting rooms, while a glassed in office and new display units will provide better and convenience, also a new shop front will make for a more attractive appearance.  Mr. W.C. Wilson has just returned from a buying and is much pleased with the lines he has been able to purchase.  The new work will go forward as speedily as possible allowing for present conditions.

May 31, 1945 Miss Elta Rector Seriously Injured

     Miss Elta Rector Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rector was badly injured in a bicycle accident on Monday of last week.

     Borrowing a bike for a ride, Elta started down Drummond Street nearing Pleasant Street wishing to apply the brakes she discovered there was none.  With the wheel gaining speed, she tried to locate some place to turn off, but unable to do so continued to the bottom of the street where she crashed into a telephone pole at the corner of Drummond and Church Streets.

     X-Rays revealed a broken collar bone and also a small bone in the back together with cuts and bruises.

     She was attended at the All Saints Hospital for a short time and is now resting as comfortably as can be expected at her home.  Her many friends regret the unfortunate accident and wish her a quick and complete recovery.