The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 23, 2005

Nov. 23, 2005 – Rules & Regulations

Here are a few of the rules and regulations set in place by the leaders of out town in the 1800’s.

In 1889 the law was passed that the owner or occupant of every lot abutting on any street, lane or other highway within the town shall fence in the same within ten days after receiving notice to that effect from the Town Clerk, and shall keep and maintain such fence in perfect repair to the satisfaction of the Street Committee or Council. A fine was to be levied if this was not done.

The police shall:

Forbid and prevent fast driving or galloping of horses on the streets and sidewalks of the town. Fast driving means at a rate greater than six miles an hour.

Forbid and prevent coasting on the public streets and sidewalks of the town.

Report any and all cases of cruelty to animals, such as, overworking, beating or mistreating. When horses are driven into town and left standing without proper covering in cold weather or for hours without food, notify owners and if not attended to at once, report to the Stipendiary Magistrate.

Forbid and prevent the throwing of stones, snowballs or other missiles on the public streets, walks or thoroughfares of the town.

Guard the public grounds of the town and arrest anyone damaging trees or fences.

Forbid loitering on streets and street corners, doorways or windows of shops or dwelling or obstructing people by standing on sidewalks or foot paths. Diligently repress shouting, swearing and the use of obscene language.

Report any dangerous place or hole in sidewalks or streets to the superintendent of streets or to the chairman of street committee.

After the invention of the bicycle, when two gentlemen collided in front of the Post Office, although neither were seriously injured, a set of “Bicycle Bylaws “were enacted.

Section One stated: All persons making use of bicycles, tricycles and other vehicles of that nature not drawn by horses shall not be allowed to ride there on in or upon any streets, lanes, highways of the town of Springhill unless they comply with the following conditions (a) Not to ride faster than eight miles an hour on such streets, squares, lanes and highways. (b) To have attached to their bicycle or vehicle a suitable alarm bell adapted for the use of the rider and held to ring at all street corners and when approaching any other person, vehicle or user of the streets; and also after sunset to have a lighted lamp.

Section 2: It shall not be lawful for and person or persons to engage in racing or scorching with bicycles on, over or through any street, lane or highway in the town. Anyone violating these laws was liable to a fine and, in default of fine, imprisonment. The fine was not to exceed two dollars and the prison sentence not to exceed ten days.

In the Springhill Record March 28, 1925 :

The following additional By-Law has been passed by the Council:

No person shall operate a motor vehicle on any street in the town of Springhill , N.S. after the first day of March and before the first day of May following, without the permission of the Council of said town first had been obtained.

Any person violating this regulation shall on summary connection be liable to penalty not exceeding $20.00 or to imprisonment not exceeding thirty days.

The above has received assent of the Lieut. Governor in Council and goes into effect at once.

C.J. Allbon,

Town Clerk

Note – Application for permits will be considered by the Chairman of Police, Joseph Ridgeway.