The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

May 23rd, 2013

Oct. 1, 1936 Springhill Record Anglican Sisters in Charge of Hospital

     All Saints Hospital founded by Canon W.C. Wilson, which has grown and given such splendid service to the community and the surrounding county, enters into a new phase this week when it comes under the administration of the sisterhood of St. John, the DevineSister Anna will be in charge of the administration of the institution and training school for nurses.  She will be assisted by Sister Thelma and Novice Evelyn.

     They arrived in town yesterday and will take over the affairs of the hospital from the present Administration Officer Mrs. Ryan.

     There are some fifty world orders in the Anglican Communion, a number of English Orders serving in Canada, mostly in teaching and social work.  The only purely Canadian Sisterhood is that of St. John, The Divine, established in Toronto fifty-three years ago, of which Warden is the Archbishop of Ottawa, Quebec and has now by the new arrangements at All Saints Hospital, come to include Nova Scotia. 

     The sisters receive no renumeration for their services, receiving only a small honorarium, yearly, for their personal needs.

     We feel sure in welcoming the members of the sisterhood to this community, the citizens in general will extend a kindly and interested co-operation in whatever way opportunity occurs.

Makes Rapid Progress since 1932, Sold 95 Fords

Harry W. Smith, who opened his new garage on the corner of Queen Street and Junction Road this week, started business in March 1932, renting Bentley’s Garage on Lisgar Street.  For some time the garage was used mainly as a repair shop for the trucks which were doing long distance trucking.  Working on the trucks at that time were George Hunter, Herb Boss and Leo GoganWilliam Horton, who had just returned from Detroit and accepted a position with Mr. Smith, was the only employee in the garage.  That fall Robert Ryan was added to the staff and during the next few years growth was continuous.

     Repair work was continued in the garage during 1933 and in 1934 Mr. Smith took over the Ford Agency for the territory.  That year, his first in the car selling business, he disposed of 36 Fords.  The following year car sales dropped slightly, but the energetic young salesman again put 26 new Fords on the road and this year, with conditions improving, his sales rose to 33 to date, with the new 1937 models expected to arrive in the near future, Mr. Smith expects to exceed his 1934 sales.

     The staff which carried on Mr. Smith’s small business when he opened on Lisgar Street has grown today until he has three trucks on the road doing long distance trucking and operated by George Hunter, Herbert Boss and Ross Oulton.  The garage staff consist of William Horton, Foreman; Charles O’Brien, Doug Arseneau and Harry O’Brien; while Archie McDonald looks after the gasoline tanks.  Mr. V.G. Helman of Hartland, N.B. has been doing the bookkeeping during the year.

     Before moving into town Mr. Smith worked for many years with his father in the lumbering business.  Later he lumbered on his own and for four years was a road foreman for the Department of Highways.  Just prior to opening his business he spent two years on a government contract hauling gravel for the Department of Highways.

Oct.8, 1936 Blows His Own Horn

     The insistent blowing of an automobile horn from a stranger’s car parked on Main Street yesterday morning lead to investigation.

     Imagine the surprise occasioned on finding that the horn was being sounded by a dog – an “ordinary” dog it is stated, who had been left in the car.  He was standing on the seat with his forefeet on the wheel, occasionally he came to the window to look up and down the street after which he would return to the serious business of honking the horn.  Presently the sound was lost and we presume the owner of the car arrived before the dog decided to leave town with the car.  We thought it was a pretty good show.