The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 23rd, 2016

May 25, 1944Navy Radio Man

     Hardwick, Mass., May 6 – Seaman I.C. Douglas MacNintch, Aviation Radio man graduated this week from the Gunnery School at Jacksonville, Fla., and will go into operations shortly.  He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen MacNintch, School St.  MacNintch graduated from Hardwick High School last June, having taken the last two years subjects in one year so that he might complete his course and enlist in the Navy at 17.

-Worcester Telegram

     Springhill friends will be interested in the above news item.  Douglas was born in Springhill.  His mother, the former Olga Brown, was before her marriage a member of the local teaching staff.  He is a grandson of the late Rev. A.N. MacNintch, a former Pastor of the United Church here.

June 8, 1944 Plan Entertainment for H.M.C.S. Springhill

     Springhill is looking forward to a visit from the officers and crew of the H.M.C.S. Springhill and plans are going forward nicely to make the occasion an outstanding one when the ship docks at an Eastern Canadian Port

     A feature of the entertainment will be a banquet at which the officers and some twenty-five rating will be present.  At this banquet a cocktail set will be presented on behalf of the town to Lt. - Cmdr. Halliday for the officer’s mess.  The history of Springhill will also be presented to the Commander by Bertha I. Scott, the author.

     Among those things already presented to the ship by the citizens of Springhill were a washing machine, ten hot plates and ten electric irons which are already in use by the officers and crew. 

     While the ship is in port the citizens of Springhill will be invited to inspect her and a transportation committee has been appointed to see that as many as possible enjoy this privilege.  Citizens who have cars are requested to do what they can to transport those who have no cars.

     During the time the ship is in port the crew will be billeted in Springhill and taken care of by our citizens.  A big dance will be held in the Armouries which will be free to the visitors while the usual charge will be made for others.  The dance will be open to everyone and it is hoped that everything will be done to give the boys the time of their life.

     Security restrictions make it impossible to announce the time of arrival of the ship or the port where she will be located for inspection.  When the ship arrives a special announcement will appear in the screen in the theatre and in the windows of C.R. Murray and the Record Office.  Watch for these announcements.

Three In Hospital

     Three are in hospital and three others are slightly injured as a result of an accident at Fox River Bridge Tuesday night at 11p.m. when a large truck side swiped an army truck while crossing the bridge.  In critical condition is Pte. Harry Ellis who was apparently stunned and thrown into the water where he was for some minutes before he was rescued by his companies who were also injured.  Sgt. Debison, Reserve Army instructor in that area suffered a bad cut on the forehead, while Pte. Murray McCully had his left arm broken.  C.Q.M.S. Harold Wetmore was crushed in the vehicle.  Others in the truck were Sgt. Wagstaff and Cpl. Harry Lambert.

     The party was on their way home from Parrsboro at the time of the accident and their truck was said to be on the bridge when the other larger truck attempted to pass.  Sgt. Debison said their truck was struck twice.

     The injured men were immediately rushed to All Saints Hospital where they are being given every attention.

First Visit in 17 Years

     Mr. and Mrs. William Issard of Toronto, were visitors in Springhill last week, arriving Tuesday and staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Miller.  Billy has been working with the C.N.R. for many years and is now one of their Vacuum Cleaner men at Toronto.  During his visit he called at the office and chatted about his school days at the West End school.  Billy was pretty good with his fists in those days and many were the battle we fought.  Yes, the West End school was a different place in those days, when those of us from the hill had to fight to get into the schoolhouse and fight to get home again.  There were many black eyes, bleeding noses and missing teeth and at times the late George Smith, Chief of the police force, had to stand guard over the school.  How simple school seems to be today!! 


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