The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 23rd, 2011

Local Items from 1900

The Springhill Advertiser – 1900

Apr. 4 – At the Town meeting on Wednesday evening last it was decided to pay the Electric Light Company $20 per year for a 32 candle power incandescent light for all night service and for a 10 candle power $10.  The result is the street lights are out.

     Fred R. Gass is suffering from a severe cold owing to his mustache being shaved off by mistake.

Apr. 11 – Property Transfers – W.W. Bird to Jane Fahey $80, property at Springhill

James Gough to Jane Fahey $175, property in Springhill

Alex Ross to Sarah Crawford $300, property at Springhill

John Bigney to Elihu McAloney $200, property at Springhill

J.M. Hunter to Mary Gabriel $50, property at Springhill

     Daniel Ferguson of Springhill, Nova Scotia, has invented a process for canning mashed potatoes.  It is a wonderful invention and no doubt will reap the owner a fortune.

Railway News

Apr. 18 – A new firm started in town under the name of Smith & Oxley who have purchased the business of G.R. Fraser and Co. and will at once put in a fresh stock of new goods.  We wish them success in their venture.

Born at Springhill, Apr. 9, to wife of Charles Roblee, a daughter

At Springhill, Apr. 12, to wife of John Wood, a son

At Springhill, Apr. 10, to wife of J.R. Smith, a daughter

Apr. 25 – Died at Springhill, Apr. 23, Martha E. Scott, aged 39 years

Born at Springhill, Apr. 18, to wife of Daniel R. Beaton, a son

May 2 – The man who put his arm around the girl’s neck on Drummond Street between Mechanic and Pleasant Streets, late Saturday night will be known by having his thumb tied up, as the girl had sharp teeth and gave him a bite which brought blood.  Serves him right if she had bitten the thumb off.

May 30 – The Springhill Rifle Range is complete and is an up to date one.  The first match will be shot on Saturday, June 2, at 1 O’clock sharp.  The range is situated near the Herrett Cemetery.  The match will be shot rain or shine on the above date.  Much credit is due the members of the Rifle Association for their zeal and good will in helping to get the range in order.  The members will wear their uniforms during the match.  All visitors are welcome, especially the ladies who may serve the ice cream and other such delicacies.

     The Dominion Coal Company has increased the price of coal from 30 to 40 cents a ton.

     John McCarthy committed for trial on the two charges of throwing stones at a brakeman and assaulting Conductor Robert Duncan of the I.C.R. at Springhill Junction, will be tried before the Supreme Court, Amherst, which will open June 18.

     John Hargreaves has commenced the erection of his new house on McDougall Street on the lot he purchased from W.B. Wilson last fall. Jacob Allen has the contract, being in good hands good work will be the outcome.

July 4 – Horrible Outrage

Fiendish Act to Gain Money- Jas. T. Crawford, Merchant, Mercilessly Clubbed by Midnight Robbers

     On Saturday night, James T. Crawford was brutally assaulted near his barn door.  As is his usual custom he went to feed his horse and when returning was struck several times over the head causing some severe wounds and also broke out several of his teeth.  He was deprived of a sum of money, his watch and an account book.  The book was found beneath the bridge near Victoria Street, his lantern was found smashed to pieces, some keys, a pencil and a one cent piece.  Blood was to be traced all about the yard.  He got home and laid on the bed.  When he awoke in the morning he could give no direct account of himself, but fancied he had been beaten in the house.  When he got off the bed it was all stained with blood but he had no knowledge whatever of the circumstances.  Three men were seen about the premises late in the evening but that is all that can be learned about them.  Mr. Crawford was taken to the hospital quite unconscious.  We understand that he is progressing favorably.

     A reward of $100.00 for information of this beating was issued by the Mayor Wm. Conway.