The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

July 23rd, 2014

Jan. 16, 1940 Springhill Record Drain Pipe Clogged

     A clogged drain pipe from the roof caused the flooding of one of the rooms in the Elgin Street school early this week and about an inch of water lay on the floor, having found its way through the roof.  The children had the day off while the plumber was busy repairing the damage.  On examination it was found that a sponge ball found its way into the mouth of the roof drain and clogged the pipe.  A large drain has been installed to prevent similar damage in the future.

Gets Customs Appointment

     James O. Fairbanks has received the appointment to the local Customs Office and will take over his new duties shortly.  It is understood that Mr. Fairbanks will be permitted to carry on his legal work in any spare time he may have.

Jan. 25, 1940 Rushton Sent Up For Trial

     Walter Rushton, charged under section 364 B of the Criminal Code of stealing letters from the local Post Office, appeared before Magistrate Hugh Lambert on Saturday and was sent up for trial at the next sitting of the County Court on January 30th.  He was taken to Amherst by Chief Buchanan.

Mail Missing

     Complaints of missing mail had been reaching the Postmaster before Christmas and the staff was on the lookout for the culprits.  Last Thursday Rushton was seen to enter the Post Office by Dan Ross who gave evidence to that effect.  Someone was seen at the Hospital box, from which has been consistently disappearing, and a few minutes later Miss Mary Anderson saw Rushton leaving the Office. 

Chief Buchanan Makes Arrest

     With this trail to work on Chief Buchanan visited Rushton and upon searching him found a key to the Hospital Box.  For two hours he was questioned by the Police and finally made a statement admitting that he had removed mail from the box.  His arrest followed.

     Outside of a charge of stealing coal from the Company back in 1932 Rushton has had a clean record.  He is 30 years of age and has worked at odd jobs around the town for a number of years. 

     The penalty in such cases is extremely heavy, running from a minimum of three years to a maximum of life imprisonment. 

The Police Co-Operate

The request of the Police Department to the Town Council to set aside Church Street for coasting during certain hours of the day was received with sympathetic understanding by the Town Fathers and today the Children have realized an ambition of long standing.

     It might be well pointed out that this is the first time in the history of the town that the children’s rights in the matter of coasting have been given a hearing.  Every child loves to coast and while the police during the past few years have been rather lenient in the matter of coasting, no organized effort was made to set aside a definite place for them where they might enjoy themselves without interference.  It is a tribute indeed to our police department that they have been the first to move in this matter, and it is to be hoped the children will co-operate with the police to the best of their ability, remembering that in order to retain such privileges they must “play the game fairly”, with the police and the public – keeping in mind at all times the pedestrians have privileges which must also be observed. 

     The Record would congratulate the Police in taking the initiative in this matter and it is to be hoped that other streets, suitable for coasting, may be opened up in the near future.

Mar. 7, 1940Children Hurt

     Charles “Buddy” Tower, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tower, was struck in the eye with a snowball while at play last week.  He was taken to Highland View Hospital Friday and it was found necessary to remove the injured eye.  The same eye was saved a short time ago when it was injured by a wire

      Donnie, 6 and Gladys, 4. Children of Mr. & Mrs. James Brown, Chapel Street, received severe injuries on Monday.  They were coasting near their home and ran into Glyn Jones’ car.  Donnie was cut about the head and was taken to All Saints Hospital for treatment, but is now at home.  The little girl is badly bruised and also received head injuries.  Both children are still in bed but showing improvement.