The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 22, 2010

Feb. 11, 1932, Springhill Record – Airmen Jailed.

Springhill had a visit from a couple of wandering airmen this week, but the boys were not over joyful of the reception they received, for they spent the night in jail.  Monday the boys were forced down here on account of the blizzard raging and they made a perfect landing in Bent’s field.  Considering the weather the boys felt they should get their plane undercover and accordingly tore off some boards from the barn, according to Chief of Police, William Mont opened the large doors and parked their large bird of the air inside out of the cold and snow.  They then proceeded to Ambrose Lees, where they were later picked up by police. 

    In an interview with the Chief the Record was informed that the arrest was made on the instructions of John S. Smiley, K.C. of Amherst, solicitor for Bents, whose farm is at the moment unoccupied.  On account of the Insurance, Mr. Smiley instructed the police to have the plane removed from the barn.  The airmen refused to do so on account of the weather and submitted to arrest.   Tuesday morning they appeared before Justice Lambert but were released when they promised to vacate the Bent premises.  They gave their names as Tom Carr of St. Thomas, Ontario and Leslie Raycroft, of Blackie, Alberta.  They were on their way to Truro and Halifax.

Births: Jan. 4 -   at All Saints Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Fulton, Mapleton, a son.

Jan. 21 – at All Saints Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen, a daughter

Jan. 22 – To Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Noiles, a daughter

Jan. 31 – To Mr. and Mrs. William W. Reynolds, a daughter

Jan. 31 – to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ropoc, a daughter

Feb. 1 – to Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Letcher, a daughter

Feb. 2 – at Springhill Junction to Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Brenton, a son

Feb. 6 – to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rector, a son

September 3, 1931 – Harry Fox, in compliance with the need of a growing business, is constructing an up to date bakery on Maple Street.  The building which he expected to be completed in November will be fully equipped with the latest electrical appliances in order to facilitate production. Mr. Fox has been in business for 20 years, having learned the trade from his father the late Henry Fox.  Fox’s Bread has more than a local reputation for excellence

May 25, 1944 – Local Boys on Haida

Ordinance Artificers, Fraser Hector Murray, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hector Murray, and A.B. Seaman, Victor “Dick” Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ward, are crew members of H.C.M.S. Haida and had the thrill of being in the recent Channel naval action; both coming through safely.  Dick has written home saying they has “lots of excitement but the story would have to wait …,.we may quote however from the published account issued from London May 7.

     “Probably the only sorrowful lads to emerge from the engagements without a scratch were S.A. Turner of Vancouver, B.C. and Hector Murray of Springhill, N.S.

     They were swept into the Chanel from the Haida’s nets as they picked up survivors from the Athabaskan, and when they landed safely in England after a motorboat trip that is a sea epic, they asked for 28 days survivors leave.

     “We’re survivors,” the two sea lawyers argued.  “We were picked up out of the sea.”   But they were told to get busy and help re-ammunition the ship.

     They really didn’t have to go to work, though, as did none of the Haida’s crew.

     Navy routine, ever strict and sometimes seemingly unfair, demanded that the Haida be made ready for sea immediately, so when she tied up at her dock the fight weary men were told to stand by to re-fuel and re-ammunition the ship.

     But the H.M.C.S. Huron, a sister-ship that was in on the first but not the second scrap which saw the end of the Athabaskan, heard what was up, called for volunteers from her crew, and gathered together a bunch who gave up shore-leave to stow the needed supplies on the Haida – while the men of the Haida slept.