The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

March 22, 2006

Mar. 22, 2006 – Items from old Record - 1914

Have you ever heard of the Piscatageauw Club? The following is an article from the Springhill Record on Oct. 17, 1914 .

Merry Corn-Boil at “Garden of Eden”

Last Monday night, Thanksgiving Eve, a party, comprising sixty young people of Springhill, visited the Garden of Eden, where the Piscatageauw Club and their invited guest held an old fashioned Corn Boil. The party was composed as follows:

Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dick; Mr. and Mrs. Lusby Roney; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cudhea


William Wilson
Cecil Smith
Herb Brown
Roy Gilbert
James Cottenden
Hally Brown
Wm. O’Rourke
Otto Roney
George Hopkins
Wm. Fletcher
George Burton
Rudd Ritchie
Robert Jewkes
M. McPherson
Oscar Boss
John Beaton
Jack Hacquoil
Frank Davis
Walter Scott
George Day
Happy McLeod
Jack Robinson
Harold Hall
John Murray
Percy Boss
Malcolm Merlin
Charles Oulton


Mary Wilson

Ethel Stonehouse

Winona Smith

Lilly Cottenden

Lexie Murray

Susie Estabrooks

Mary Merlin

Mayme McCarthy

Lottie Roney

Mayme Cameron

Mayme O’Rourke

Henrietta Beaton

Grace Allen

Annie Campbell

Mary Kennedy

Miss McLean

Annie Cottenden

Florence Beaton

Clara Taber

Margaret Munroe

Jessie Fraser

Georgie Hills

Ethel Cox

Lottie Lowther

Lulu Campbell

Lola Chapman

Nan Craige

Corn-Boil with a bountiful supply of other refreshments, with Mr. J.H. Cottenden as caterer was heartily enjoyed by the merry party. Dancing and other amusements were engaged in till a late hour when the party returned to town by auto and teams. The pleasure of the evening was fortunately not marred by accident, save one or two cases where upsets or breakdown of buggies gave enough fun to compensate for a few slight bruises and a few dollars spent.

Have no other information on the Piscatageauw Club but if anyone could tell us something about this club we would appreciate it.

Here is another article from the same paper:


By orders from Col. R.W. Rutherford, Commanding 6 th Divisional Area, assembled at Springhill Oct. 1 for the purpose of officially taking over the new Rifle Range. The Board was composed of Captain H. Clay, Corps of Guides; Captain W.T. Letcher, 93 Regiment; and Mr. H.J. Knight, Chief Draughtsman, who represented the R.C.E. as no officer of that Corps was available for this duty.

It was too late to secure a report of the proceedings for this issue of the Record, but it will appear later.

In this connection, we would suggest, however, that the present would be a good time to organize Rifle Clubs, who would still have some time to practice this fall and would be already organized and equipped for regular and continuous practice next Spring.