The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 21st, 2016

Sept. 13, 1945 Springhill Record 81-Year-Old Fatally Injured

     Mrs. Eunice Noiles, aged 81, was fatally injured Saturday evening when she was struck by a car near Wesley United Church, Main Street.  She was walking on the sidewalk as Fred W. Young, of Halifax, was in the act of parking his car.  The brakes failed to work and the car kept on over the sidewalk, striking her down. Immediately it was apparent that she had suffered serious injury. She was moved carefully to Dr. Simpson’s drugstore a few yards away, and a few minutes later was rushed to All Saints Hospital by ambulance where she died a short time after admission.

     Meanwhile acting Chief of Police, Leo McDonald and Constable Arthur Bonnyman took charge.  After examining the car Mr. Young was taken into custody.

     An inquest was held to enquire into the death of Mrs. Noiles Monday afternoon; the jury rendering the following verdict:

  1.      “In our opinion Mrs. Eunice Noiles on the 8th day of September died after being hit by a car which was driven by Fred W. Young of Halifax while attempting to park his car, the brakes refusing to hold.”

     The jury recommended that the curb be built up.

     The jury was composed of William Hayes, Foreman, H.W. Terris, C.N. Ward, Douglas Terris, P. McManaman, E. Gallagher, Thomas Lormier, John Barton, Ralston Rushton, J.D. Atkinson, Herbert Porter and Jack Hayes.

     The inquest got underway shortly after 1 p.m. with A.G. Allbon as Coroner.  Witnesses included James Warren, Victor Porter, Mrs. Jack Merritt, Clerk at Mills Store, who stated it was a daily occurrence to see cars going over the curb.

     Charles O’Brien, garage mechanic, stated that he examined the car after the accident and found wheel cylinders on three wheels had no fluid in them and were dry.  Special fluids made expressly for brakes was liable to leak at any time he said.  If one wheel leaks there is no fluid for the others.  The driver would not know if brakes were operating as fluid would be lost without warning.  The brakes did not need re-lining and fluid missing was the cause of the brakes not holding.

     Mr. Young stated that while attempting to park his car it went toward the store window and to prevent crashing the window he headed down the hill.  He applied the emergency brake and stopped the car.  Gathering of crowd prevented him from seeing the position of deceased under the car.

     Acting Chief McDonald in giving evidence stated he had examined the brakes and found them inadequate.  In taking measurements it was found the car had gone 16 feet before coming to a stop against Mills Store. 

     Following the inquest Acting Chief Leo McDonald laid a charge against Young of operating a vehicle with inadequate brakes.

Soldiers Return from Overseas 

     The largest number of repatriates to arrive since the end of the war in Europe arrived Sunday Sept. 9, about 11 p.m. at Springhill Junction from the troop ships “Duchess of Bedford”, “Empress of Scotland” and “Nieuw Amsterdam”, arriving in Halifax earlier in the day.  They were met by the Mayor, the NNSH Band, members of their families and hundreds of citizens.  Cars were provided for the convenience of the boys and members of their families.  Arriving in town they were officially welcomed by Mayor Mason and received the “Welcome Home” of the crowd.  All were looking well and obviously glad to be home again. 

     There were several slight changes in the order of the arrival; the complete list being as follows: 

Pte. Elda Austin, Pte. J.W. Kempt, Gnr. J. Parris, L/Cpl. J.F. Rushton, Sgt. J. Spence, Pte. A. Beaton, L/Sgt. C.K. Dickson, L/Sgt. E.H. King, Gnr. H.E. McLeod, Sgt. M.A. MacKay, Sgt. A.F. McMillan, Sgt. J.A. Brown, Spr. F.L. Smith, Pte. J. Megeney, Spr. J.W. Moore, Pte. A.C. MacDonald, Pte. A. Ellis, Pte. G.E. Wood, Pte. H.A. Moore, Pte. A.K. Nelson, Sgt. L.B. Tattrie, Sgt. C.W. Bennett, Pte. R.J. Hachey, Pte. A.R. Weatherbee, Gnr. M.N. Corkin, Bom. J.R, Rushton, Tpr. M.J.W. Beaton, R.Q.M.S. J. P. Brennan, Cpl. A. Hodges, Pte. R. McPherson, Pte. J. D. Maddison, Cpl. E.J. McCormick.

Monday Sept. 10

Pte. J. Reid, Tpr. A.E. Henwood, Cpl. E.K.P. Bentley   


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