The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Mar. 21, 2007

Mar. 21, 2007 – Col. Anderson Receives Honor

From the Springhill Record Aug. 3, 1950 – Col. Anderson Receives Honor

Col. David Anderson who retired as postmaster last fall after 28 years in the postal service of Canada , was pleased last week to receive from the Postal Department a Testimonial Card or certificate as a tangible expression for the faithful service rendered the Department. He plans to have the certificate framed as a constant reminder if his work in the Postal Service.

Presentation of the Certificate was made by Mr. Rouncefels of Halifax, District Post Office Inspector, who called on Col. Anderson for this purpose.

Treasured also is a letter from Hon. Edouard Rinfret, Postmaster General, who wrote: “On the occasion of your retirement from the Postal Service I desire to express to you my appreciation of the faithful service you have rendered to Canada during a period of more than 28 years and wish to extend to you my sincere best wishes.”

From the Deputy Postmaster General W.J. Turnbull, came another kindly letter which said: “On the occasion of your retirement from the Postal Service after having completed more than 28 years of continuous service, the Honourable the Postmaster

General has signed the enclosed Testimonial Card, being a tangible expression of his appreciation of the faithful and meritorious service rendered by you during your period of employment.

I wish to add my own sentiments as one “long timer” in the Postal Service to another.

It is the sincere wish of the Minister and myself that you may enjoy good health and benefit to the full from the leisure to which your long service entitles you.”

Col. Anderson’s many friends will be glad to know that since he retired from the Post Office his health has shown considerable improvement.

Also in the News: No Change in Mine Dispute: No progress has been made during the week in regard to the Company-Duffers dispute which tied up the local mines last week. It is reported that H.C.M Gordon, General Manager of the Dominion Coal Co., of which this Company is a subsidiary, has been in Montreal and on his return it is expected that an effort will be made by Freeman Jenkins, President of the U.M.W., to arrange a conference. Whether or not the Company will discuss the matters under dispute before the men return to work remains to be seen.

Coal Production: With only three and a half working days all around as a result of the duffers’ dispute on Wednesday, July 26 th, coal production for the week ending July 27 th fell a total of 9,999 tons – a daily average of 2,857.

Production by mines was as follows: No. 1 Mines – Tons 2,385; No. 2 – Tons 4,871; No. 4 – Tons 2,743; Total Tons – 9,999.

From the Column “Twenty Years Ago” in this paper. Two dwellings, a livery barn and a garage were lost in an early morning fire that broke out in the livery barn owned by Harry Newcombe. With the exception of the garage the property was owned by Morris Saffron.

Following friction at the ball club the entire Executive was asked to resign and a new executive elected in its place. The new officers were: President – C.R. Murray; vice-president – George C. Burden; Secretary – James Conway; Other members were: Charlie Paul, Jack Reedy, William Montand, William O’Rourke.

Another Column – With The Horses – The Letcher Stable continues to take top honors at Island tracks. Last week this stable set up an enviable record when three horses took eleven firsts and one second in twelve dashes. Purses ranged up to $300 per dash.

At the Capital Theatre Mon. & Tues. – Spencer Tracy and Deborah Kerr in “Edward, My Son; Wed & Thurs. – Laraine Day, Kirk Douglas, Keenan Wynn and Helen Walker in “My Dear Secretary”; Fri. & Sat. – Arthur Lake, Lon Chaney, Lloyd Bridges and Eric Feldary in “16 Fathoms Deep”

At the Medical Centre – Sunday August 6 th – Dr. J.R. Ryan will be on call and on Sunday, August 13 th – Dr. C.R. Adams – will be on call.