The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

February 21st, 2013

Milk Pasteurization Plant Opens

Aug. 27, 1936Springhill Record Will Open Milk Pasteurization Plant in Town

     Hec Bryan, 14 years in the fruit and confectionary business, in Springhill, is offering his business for sale and expects to open a pasteurization plant here in the fall.

     Mr. M.A. Condon, who built the Miner’s Hall, is now drawing up plans for the building which will be erected on Mr. Bryan’s own property on Chapel Street.  The building will be about 25 x 40 feet.

     Mr. Clark, representing the DeLaval Co., builders of pasteurization plants, is expected in town today to consult with Mr. Bryan, who has been visiting various plants throughout the province 

Sept. 17, 1936Eaton’s Lease Saffron’s Store

     Eaton’s have signed a two year lease with Morris Saffron for that part of the store recently occupied by J. Resnick.  Agreement in the matter of rents was reached Tuesday at Moncton and papers were signed.

     The Eaton lease on the Sprague building, which they now occupy, will expire at the end of the month and every effort will be made to get transferred to the new location about that time.

     The new store will give Eaton’s considerably more floor space than they have in their present building with a better opportunity of displaying their various lines of furniture, bedding, etc.  Mr. James Crocket, the local manager of Eaton’s, looks forward confidently to larger business in the new location. 

Oct. 1, 1936See Dirigible

     Residents of Springhill and vicinity were thrilled yesterday afternoon by the site of the big zeppelin “Hindenburg”, which appeared in view about 5 p.m.  The big air cruiser appeared to be so close to be sailing directly over the town and for over 10 minutes it circled about coming down over the mines where it appeared to come to a full stop.  While the big ship has been seen over Springhill before this is the best view the residents have, as yet, had of it.

Hospital Installs New and Fully Modern X-Ray Equipment

     All Saints Hospital has installed a new Victor Shockproof X-Ray equipment – the very latest on the market and developed by the General Electric Corporation, the largest maker of X-Ray equipment in the world.  The local hospital is the only one in the Maritimes to install this latest equipment which consist of a stationary table and fluoroscope and a bedside unit.  The new equipment cost some $3,500.00.

     The Stationary table and equipment is for taking chest plates, such as those for tuberculosis patients and for deep X-Rays.  This new unit is capable of taking any pictures that can be taken in the province.

     The portable equipment will prove invaluable in cases where the patient is suffering from fractures or other ailments and cannot be moved to the X-Ray room.  In these cases the X-Ray will be taken to the patient.

     The Fluoroscope equipment enables fractures to be reduced and the operator actually sees in what position the fragments are.  Under these conditions the setting of bones will be greatly amplified and results more certain that under the old method.

     The equipment was installed Friday and Saturday last week and when the installation was complete the first picture taken was that of Mrs. Flora Hyatt who was suffering from a broken arm.  Yesterday it proved useful again in the setting of the shoulder of a little girl from Leamington. 

     Dr. F.E. Walsh specializes in the operation of the equipment and is assisted by Mrs. Miller, R.N., Assisting Superintendant.