The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

Sept. 20, 2006

Sept. 20, 2006 – By-Laws of 1908

In 1908 the By-Laws for the Town of Springhill were revised and amended. The following are a few of the new By-Laws.

Public Property: Any person or persons destroying, injuring or defacing any bridge, building or public property of the Town or digging up or removing of the soil or stones on any public property or injuring or destroying any trees, shrubs or plants planted in the streets, lane, parks, common, school grounds or other public places in the town shall be liable for such offense of not less than two nor more than forty dollars or in default of payment shall be imprisoned in the County Gaol for a period of not less than 3 or more than ninety days.

Any person who is in a private dwelling where he does not live, who refuses to leave after being requested to do so, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding $10. for each offence and in default of such payment may be imprisoned for a period not exceeding thirty days.

No person shall wantonly and unnecessarily or willfully and unlawfully disturb the good order or harmony of any public meeting of the town citizens, or any church service or religious or other assembly being held in the town for any lawful person. Any person offending against this by-law shall pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars and in default be imprisoned for not more than thirty days.

Prevention of Fire: No person shall enter any livery stable or other stable, barn, shed, outhouse, cabinet makers shop or any building in town where straw, hay, shavings, excelsior or any combustible, inflammable or explosive material are or may be kept, with a light not in a closed lantern or with a lighted cigar, cigarette or pipe.

No person shall keep any wood ashes in any wooden box or receptacle or near any wooden partition or other wood work in any house, outhouse or shed in town.

No person is to use or keep any wooden box or vessel in which sawdust is placed for the purpose of a spittoon.

No person shall keep or store in any house, barn shed or outbuilding any quick or unslackened lime unless the same is securely confined or covered and remote at least 15 feet from wood or wood work.

No person shall keep or permit to be kept in any dwelling or yard in the town he may occupy, any loose hay, straw, shavings or any accumulation of other combustible matter.

No person shall between the hours of 5 p.m. and 6 a.m. set fire to or burn any shavings, chips, straw or rubbish or other combustible in any streets, lane, square or other public place in the town, nor, within any enclosure, yard or garden within a hundred feet of any building. A blacksmith is exempt from this by-law.

Collection Act: For perusing affidavits and ensuing orders for examination .50;

Hearing or enquiry (each day) 1.00; signing order or statutory decision .50; every warrant or order for an arrest or commitment .30; every order of execution .20.

Constables’ Fees within the Town: For serving summons or capias and making return .20; bail bond .50; attending trial with prisoner under capias .50; serving subpoena .20; serving execution and return .20; poundage on execution, when sale 5%; all traveling on service of summons, capias, execution or subpoena, actually and necessarily performed by Constable or other officer, per mile, each way .05.

The following are the names of the several streets in the town as established by the Town Council of the Town of Springhill: Chapel Street, Church Street, Clarence Street, Cross Street (east from Mechanic to Pleasant), Cowans Street, Drummond Street, Dunn Street, Elm Street, Elgin Street, Fir Street, Hall Street, Horton Avenue, Herrett Road, Junction Road, King Street, Leckie Street, Lisgar Street, Lorne Street, McGee Street, Main Street, Maple Street, Mechanic Street, Morrice Street, Mills Lane (north from Main), McKay Street, McDougald Street, McFarlane Street, Pleasant Street, Princess Street, Purdy Street, Pioneer Street, Queen Street, Spruce Street, St. James Street, Starr Street, Terris Lane, Victoria Street and Wolsley Street.