The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

October 20, 2010

Messages from Overseas

The Springhill Record, August 15, 1940:  The Amherst Daily News of August 10, 1940 recalls in its column “25 years ago”, two items from Springhill. The 1st, a war scare on a small scale, which many will remember.

     “A German spy who aroused a tremendous furor in the town of Springhill turned out to be a bible student engaged in selling religious tracts in the community.  Mayor Wilson who took a hand in the examination of the man soon discovered the facts of the case”.

Mayor Wilson, again in office, might, we believe, be harder to convince today.”

     The second recalls a sad occurrence: Eddie Coon, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coon, of Springhill, was a victim of a drowning accident at Aberdeen Lake.

From the August 29, 1940 edition of the Record, a correspondence, written August 3, 1940.

Editor of The Record,

Dear Sir –

     We are writing you from “Somewhere in England”, thanking you for your splendid covering of the news of the town which we read in The Record.  We thoroughly enjoy hearing of the many friends’ movements, and happily make comments among ourselves in the spare time of the quiet evenings.  We express our enjoyment in awaiting the next addition when it arrives from some friends.

     Upon receiving The Record the other day we all endeavored to meet together for the final reading.  In our midst we find Pat Kennedy (mechanic), Art (Everley) Halvorsen. Alex (Nursemaid) Wilson, John (J.B.) Cameron, Edgar (Happy) Hibberts and “Doggie” Melanson of Springhill Junction.  We all find the news from the home town very interesting.  We should like to inform all who are interested in us that we are stationed with the W.N.S. Regt., H.Q., doing our duty as drivers and mechanics of the transport and we hope the boys and friends are doing their part as well.

     It is of great interest for us to read The Record of the Springhill defensive program and the co-operation of our people with us.

     In our gathering some nights ago we had a lot of our boys from Cape Breton, Oxford, Amherst, Parrsboro and Antigonish and one of the fellows composed a song for our regiment called “McNaughton’s Traveling Circus”.  In the near future we hope to send you a copy of this song which you should find very interesting.

     Hoping for more good news in the future, and love to our wives and sweethearts (may they never meet).

Faithfully yours,

The Boys from the Old Home Town doing their bit for King and Country

     Here was another message from Overseas:

Spr. Robert Smith, RCE, sends a message –

Arriving safely in the last contingent: Pat Walsh, Dawson McAloney, Johnnie Crowe, Bill Moore, Leonard Doyle, Leonard Smith and Robert Smith send their best regards to all their friends.

Here is a poem written by Verna Jean Fisher during World War Two.

  1. To The Nova Scotians

  2. This verse of mine is written for

  3. The Nova Scotians in the war,

  4. And they are many don’t forget,

  5. Altho’ their names can’t here be set;

  6. Yet I would mention just one name’

  7. From Londonderry whence I came,

  8. I wish good luck and many joys,

  9. To four of the MacMullen boys.

  10. And many lads from Truro, too,

  11. Who felt “their bit” they had to do.

  12. And many lads from our Springhill,

  13. Have gone to make Herr Hitler ill,

  14. How Casey’s lunch will miss the trade

  15. Their youthful appetites once made!

  16. I want to wish them honor, meed,

  17. And may they all the “Record” read.

  18. From Halifax and Amherst through

  19. Boys of the Air Force, Navy too,

  20. Army boys from across the Bay,

  21. And Khaki clads down Pictou way’

  22. In closing I wish each and all,

  23. The best of lunch that may befall,

  24. May Nazis learn this lesson sad,

  25. Which is: “Don’t make a Bluenose mad!”