The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

November 20th, 2013

Mar. 24, 1938The Springhill RecordJewellary Store is Looted

     In a daring break between Saturday and Sunday, a thief or thieves broke into the store of Ernest Munroe, local jewellar, and lifted between nine and ten hundred dollars worth of Gruen watches, Schaeffer pens and gold rings.  The fact that the store is right on centre Main Street did not deter the thieves a little.  The lock of the main entrance was said to be forced and apparently the marauder made an exit the same way.

     In a talk with Mr. Munroe this morning, the owner stated that none of the stolen Jewellary was insured, as rates against thief in that business is absolutely prohibitive.  His entire stock of Schaeffer pens has been cleaned out, he stated, as had a number of higher priced Gruen watches, and over two dozen gold rings.  From appearances Mr. Munroe judged the thief had worked by the light of the street lamp nearby.

     The police had been notified immediately of the break, and had been given a complete description of the stolen articles.  Mr. Munroe said he could identify any of the stolen articles, without question.  To date no arrests have been made.

Mar. 31, 1938 Constable Suspended

     Councillor Fowler’s motion Friday evening to suspend Constable Atkinson on a charge of being under the influence of liquor proved a bombshell to the crowded hall.  It appears the Councillors and the Mayor found the officer in this condition Friday afternoon and decided to take immediate action.

     There is no room on the local police force for men who cannot be depended on to do their duty.  The same officer has been on the carpet several times for his actions and has always been whitewashed.  Whether the current Council will take a more determined stand remains to be seen.  The town is paying a hundred dollars per month for this job and the citizens have every right to expect good service.

April 21, 1938Steals Car

     Not only are police concerned with store breaking, but it looks as though we may have some car thieves in our midst also.  Saturday evening Dr. J. Carson Murray paid a professional call over on Mechanic Street and upon returning to the street discovered his car missing.  The key had been left in the lock and someone had taken advantage of the oversight.  The police were immediately notified and the search was on.  Early Sunday morning the car was found in front of the High School intact, much to the relief of the Doctor.  The car had been driven about forty miles.

Two Boys Picked Up

     After much patient work, continued night and day, in an effort to stop the petty thievery that has been going on that has been going on for the past few weeks, Chief Wm. Mont got a break Monday evening which resulted in the arrest of two young boys, one of whom has been sentenced to two years in St. Patrick’s Reform School in Halifax.

     Since the series of local breaks began some weeks ago, Chief Mont and Constable Buchanan have worked day and night in search of evidence that would reveal the guilty parties.  Very little was forthcoming, but Monday evening as the Chief walked out of the Police Office about 11:30 he saw two youths working on the shed door at the rear of Selrite Store.  While they both escaped at the moment the Chief recognized William DeBaie, 14, and Constable Buchanan brought him in.  Later young Herbert Meekins, 16, was brought in for questioning.  Both boys were taken before the Magistrate Wednesday morning.  Meekins was held for trial and young Debaie was sentenced this morning, when Magistrate Lambert gave him two years in the Reform School in Halifax.  The latter youth was on suspended sentence for another break until two days before he was picked up Monday.

     The Chief is to be commended for the persistence he has shown in his search for the guilty parties, but while two of them have apparently been apprehended it is evident from last night’s break that others are still at large.