The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

January 20 th, 2016

July 22, 1943 Oxford JournalYouth Meets Death in Springhill Mine

July 20 – Half an hour before the shift of which he was a member was due to return to the surface at completion of their night’s work Emmerson Michniak, said to be about 16 years of age, met his death in No. 4 mines here. 

     Cause of the tragedy was a “bump” in the mine – a mishap which through the years has claimed the lives of a number of Nova Scotia miners.  There have been a number of smaller “bumps” reported in No. 4 in recent times, it is said here, but this is the first one with any serious results in a considerable period.

     Lloyd Brayley, working close to the young victim, also suffered injuries in the accident and was removed to hospital but it is not believed his condition is serious.  Early examination suggest that his injuries are largely confined to severe leg and body bruises.  He comes from Salt Springs, a community near here.

     The dead miner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Michniak, who with their family, which includes other sons and also daughters, have made their home here for some time.

     The men were due to come to the surface at 11 p.m. at completion of their work and it was at approximately 10:30 that the youth was instantly killed struck by the mass released by the “bump”.

Sept. 15, 1943R.F. McCunn New Springhill Magistrate

     At a town council meeting at Springhill held over the week-end, R.F. McCunn, well known lawyer of Cumberland County and a resident of River Philip, was appointed as Stipendiary Magistrate for the Town of Springhill.  Early in the year, Hugh Lambert, who has been magistrate for the past 25 years resigned.  The last several months Magistrate John L. Crowe has been filling in as magistrate there.

Sept. 23, 1943Miners Still on Strike

     Springhill mines are still idle and when they will resume operations is unknown.  The situation in regard to the lockout affecting all three mines commenced on Sept. 16.

     The resident Superintendent of the Coal Company has stated that he will not enter into negotiations while the miners refrain from reporting for work.

     The dispute arose over a reported change of policy in regard the time at which the miners were allowed to depart after completing work on the 11 o’clock shift.

Oct. 7, 1943Reports Miners in Wrong

Springhill Oct. 3 – At the local meeting of the U.M.W. Saturday night District Board member Howard Tattrie reported the results of the Conference which was held the last few days.  W.S. MacDonald, General Superintendent, Dominion Coal Company, Glace Bay, C.B.; Paul, Resident Superintendent, along with John A. McDonald and Adam Scott, District Officers

     The conference was held over the eleven day tie-up here.

     The board member stated the men were in the wrong here as the men who were docked were not supposed to come up on the 5:30 a.m. rake to the surface.  In the future they will have to stay their hours the Company said.

Oct. 28, 1943 Four Springhill Men Are Injured

Springhill Oct. 24 Irvin Stonehouse, his brother Ray and Harvey Meekins were injured in No. 4 mines Saturday when they were struck by a trip.  Irvin Stonehouse was admitted to hospital.

     William Turnbull received a very painful injury in the mine Friday night when he had his leg caught in a tugger rope, the leg being broken.  He was admitted to All Saints Hospital.

Dec. 23, 1943Springhill RecordPte. Robert Sears Missing in Action

     Mrs. William Sears, Springhill Junction, has received word that her youngest son, Pte. Robert Sears of the West Nova Scotia Reg’t was reported “Missing in Action” in Italy November 23.  Six sons of Mrs. Sears have enlisted in the Canadian Army, three of whom were serving overseas.  Their father, William Sears, passed away a short time ago.  Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Sears and her family in their anxiety.

Two Tons of Candy

     L.B. Herrett announced in his advertisement last week that his Christmas candy would go on sale Monday morning.  When he opened his door at 7:30 a.m. there were customers on the door step.  All morning the harried clerks tried desperately to handle the crowds.  At two o’clock in the afternoon, two tons of candy, put up in one pound bags a few days previously had been disposed of and the counters were clean.  Only two pounds were allowed to a customer.  After that spasm most homes in Springhill should have a little candy for Christmas.

Fishers New Store

     Fred Fisher has moved his meat and grocery store from lower Main Street to the store formerly occupied by the Economy Store.  Here he has made many improvements and hopes to improve his service to the public.


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