The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

August 20th, 2014

Aug. 25, 1940Springhill RecordMust Tie Up Dogs

     An announcement over the signature of the Police Committee elsewhere in this issue warns owners of dogs that these animals must be tied up after the first of May and until October.  Undoubtedly the heavier types of dogs do considerable damage in the early spring to lawns and gardens and this should not be permitted for our people in growing numbers are taking more and more interest in the appearance of their homes and grounds.  Speaking to this point at the Council meeting Friday evening, Councillor Russell, Chairman of the Police Committee told the Council that during the past year that more money had been collected in dog taxes than ever before in the history of the Town.  This is very credible as year after year citizens complained that they should not pay dog taxes as their neighbours had been overlooked.

Snowed In

     Traffic was brought to a standstill Monday in one of the heaviest snowfalls experienced this winter.  Starting on Sunday the storm gained headway and was at its height Sunday evening.  Difficulty was experienced in plowing the roads as the snow was wet and packed like cement when it fell.  Tuesday some semblance of order was returned but cars had a very difficult time getting around and many of them had to be pulled out.  Cars standing on the side of the road overnight were practically buried and some of them have not yet been moved.  In the country dozens of cars were stalled along the highway and had to await the arrival of the plow which extricated most of them Tuesday. 

     All and all it was about the worst storm this section experienced in the past winter.: :

Storm Damages School

     The High School suffered some damage Tuesday noon when a large section of the drain pipe around the school broke away under pressure of the wet snow and crashed to the ground.

May 2, 1940New Business to Be Opened

     A local boy, Jim Ryan, is opening a business of his own this week in the meat and grocery lines in the Shenton Block.  He has had a number of years’ experience in these lines having entered Gilroy’s Market in 1923.  He remained with Walter Scott who took over from Gilroy’s and continued with Newman’s after their purchase of the business in 1937. 

     Jim is well liked and will have the best wishes of his friends as he goes into business for himself.  The stand, in the newly renovated premises, is centrally located, clean and up to date.  We bespeak for him a generous share of patronage.

Burden Elected Zone Com’dr

     At a meeting of the Cumberland Zone, Tuesday evening, George C. Burden was re-elected Zone Commander for the Canadian Legion

     In this connection, Mr. Burden, who has been Secretary of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, for many years, has given valuable service to returned men throughout the County and, while he would have liked to hand over the task to other hands, he was prevailed upon to continue his work in the interest of the returned men as well as those who are now serving.  J. Walter Scott was re-elected Secretary.

     Parrsboro was strongly represented at the meeting by their own officers: President Harry Lavers; 1st. Vice –President Charles Tracey; 2nd. Vice President Carl Cameron; Secretary Robert Gibson and Fred Warren, Frank McKenzie, Garland Forbes and James Phinney.

May 16, 1940 Police Pick Up Car Thieves

     Charles McDonald and Jack Young of Halifax are in the custody of the Halifax Police as the result of a car accident that took place near the cemetery last Thursday evening. A smart piece of work on the part of local and R.C.M.P. officers and a tip-off resulted in their capture.

     I appeared that McDonald and Young had stolen a car at the Victoria General Hospital in Halifax a short time before and apparently on their way out of the province.  The Halifax Police broadcast the number of the car and as they passes Southampton they were marked on account of drunkenness as well as the car number.  The local police were warned to be on the lookout for them. 

     At the local cemetery the thieves crashed into a car driven by Mr. Copeland, a representative of the Beatty Washer Co., who was on his way into town about 8:30 p.m.  Both cars were badly damaged, but Copeland escaped injury, while McDonald suffered a leg injury.  After the accident, McDonald and Young escaped into the cemetery and when the police were notified a search was started by Chief Buchanan, and Young was picked up, but there was no trace of McDonald. 

Said He Fell Off Train

     The next morning word reached the Chief that a man, giving his name as Charles McDonald, entered All Saints Hospital, the previous evening, suffering from a leg injury.

The Chief and Officer McWhirter, visited the hospital, where McDonald told them he had fallen off the train at Saltsprings.  Later word reached the Chief that the ambulance had picked up a man on Wolsley St. the night before and had taken him to the Hospital.  Chief Buchanan called in Wm. Mont, Chief of the Company Police, who knew McDonald and was able to identify him at the hospital.  McDonald was arrested and placed under guard. 

     Halifax Police were notified of the capture and arrived that evening to take them back to Halifax.  Young told police that McDonald had stolen the car and that he was with him at the time.  Young was also wanted in the City for theft.