The Heritage Corner, Springhill Record

September 1, 2010

Wednesday Sept. 1, 2010 -  Decoration Day & Other News

     According to an article written by Elaine Mont on July 18, 1974, George C. “Brownie” Burden was the man who, while President of the Legion,  instigated Decoration Day. 

     The earliest date in the Springhill Record which mentions Decoration Day is 1930 which stated: “Under the auspices of the Springhill Branch of the Canadian Legion a Decoration Day Service was held Sunday when an address was given by Rev. G.R. Harrison.  At 2 p.m. the veterans met at their hall and marched to the cemetery led by the Citizens Band.  Flowers were laid on the graves of departed comrades and the firing party discharged three volleys after which the Last Post was sounded.  The veterans returned to the Memorial where Rev. Harrison delivered the address.

     Here are a few articles taken from some early newspapers.

Springhill Advertiser, Nov. 14, 1895:  Military Notes:  We have refrained from making any mention of the drill shed that is quietly but surely going up in a nice locality of our town.  The Building and Site Committee deserve the credit due to practical businessmen in selecting the ground and forging the building ahead in the manner they have.  It is 50 ft. wide and 100 feet long.  Lower post 13 ft. and upper post 15 ft.  A solid stone wall is under the whole building.  It is to have a red ash floor for the present and as sufficiently packed to be cemented.  It is to be clapboarded on the outside and neatly finished around the windows, doors and projection of the roof.  With a forty foot flagpole it will be no discredit to our town and for usefulness it will supply a deficiency the town has needed for years.  It will hold 3600 people, and to hold political and other mass meetings it will be most useful.  If meetings, bazaars and picnics etc. can be held in it and the weather will not prevent the patronage.  If the young ladies of the town would take the matter in hand they would get our volunteers a nice flag for their “Citizen Soldier Laddies” and celebrate it with an occasion that would bring out he volunteers and develop and strengthen the loyalty of our townspeople.  Then there is projected one or more corps of “ Boys Brigade” as soon as there is an opportunity for drilling.  The boys of the different churches should look about for their officers and when called together be ready to select at once from their number those who want to fill positions.  The military spirit is strong among us and we must not let it grow cold for lack of interest.  The country needs good men everywhere and discipline learned in early life is a guarantee of future usefulness.

Col. Irving, DAG No. 9 District was here and expressed himself much pleased with the Drill Shed.

Here are a few Advertisements from this same paper:

    Gold Dollars in Tobacco

Smoking 2 5cent cigars a day for five years would amount to over $200; and for twenty years to $1400 or a life insurance.  Why send gold dollars and 5 dollar bills up in smoke?  Price’s Tobacco Cure kills the tobacco habit, smoking or chewing.  $1.00 a box.

Sold by Dr. Cove, Springhill.

   Dr. Joseph Hayes, M.D.

Physician and Surgeon

18 Victoria St.

Specialties:  Diseases of women and children, ears nose and throat.

Office Hours: 8 – 9.30 am; 1 – 3 and 6 – 8 pm.

Calls from the county by mail or telegraph promptly attended to.

                       Nov. 28, 1896 – Springhill Advertiser

Letters have been received from the workmen complaining of the heartless way the old hands are being treated.  The remedy for the matter is entirely in the hands of brother workmen if they are to be true to their brothers.  Labor is king if it will only exercise its power.  “All for one” is the motto.  If older men are to be heathenly cast off, whose turn is to come next?  The young men seeing the prospects ahead for themselves will evidently demand higher wages in order to store up something for increasing years.

News from the Isabel Simpson Heritage Center: 

On June 8, 2010 we had our grand opening which was well attended.  Pam Adams was the Master of Ceremonies and there were addresses made by Russell Fisher, President of the Springhill Heritage Group; Mayor Allan Dill; MlA Murray Scott, members of the Murray family and from the Chamber of Commerce, Rev. Frank Likely.  A delicious lunch was prepared and served by the Ladies of the I.O.D.E.   The first year has been very successful with a lot of out of town visitors to the center.  We continue to get donations of artifacts which are greatly appreciated.

The Springhill Heritage Group will be meeting on Sept. 7th, 2010 at 7pm in the Isabel Simpson Heritage Center.  New members are welcome so come out and see what we are all about.